Pregnancy calendar: from week 5 to week 8

After the fourth week of pregnancy calendar You will notice that your period should have arrived and it has not. The so-called implantation bleeding may have occurred, but it is usually less abundant than menstruation. It is time to take a test to confirm the pregnancy or repeat it if you have done it too soon with a negative result.

The first thing you should do just knowing that you are waiting for a baby is to make an appointment with your gynecologist. If you do not do it yet, you should also start taking a folic acid supplement as soon as possible, although it is ideal to take it from two months before becoming pregnant, since when you find out that you are pregnant it may be late to prevent problems because the tube Neural is already forming.

It is possible that you have already begun to experience to a lesser or greater extent the first symptoms of pregnancy and that you feel some of the typical discomforts of the first weeks such as nausea, dizziness, swelling and tenderness in the breasts, tiredness and sleep.

Week 5 of pregnancy

In the week 5 of pregnancy The embryo is 3 weeks old and its size is just over 1mm. Although it still has no human form, the head that is much larger than the rest of the body begins to differentiate and the small bumps that will later become the arms and legs begin to form.

As I said before, the neural tube that connects the brain with the spine closes and begins to form the heart that starts beating spontaneously from the 6th week on a regular basis.

Week 6 of pregnancy

In week 6 of pregnancy The embryo measures between 2 and 4 mm, the size of a lentil and the optical vesicles begin to develop on the sides of the head, which will then form the eyes that will be located in front. The organs are in an early stage of development so it is very important that you do not ingest any drug or alcohol or tobacco that could affect their development.

Week 7 of pregnancy

From the 7 week of pregnancy You can now see the embryo on an ultrasound and listen to the beating of your heart. It has grown twice its size, reached almost a centimeter long from head to tail. In this week the umbilical cord that will pass nutrients to the baby throughout pregnancy has already formed. The digestive and respiratory system continue to develop. The gallbladder, stomach, intestines, pancreas and lungs begin to form.

Week 8 of pregnancy

Towards the 8th week of pregnancy Pregnancy changes are amazing. Its total size is between 1.4 and 2 cm, but the eyes, eyelids, mouth, ears on the head can already be distinguished and the legs and arms protruding from the trunk can be recognized, as well as the fingers of hands and feet The vertebrae and ribs begin to grow and their skin is a thin translucent layer. In turn, the main organs such as the liver and the heart are improving their functioning.

It is essential that in these weeks of pregnancy calendar visit the gynecologist so that through the first ultrasound he confirms the good state of pregnancy, as well as the amount of embryos that are forming. It is a critical stage of pregnancy in which any alarm signal as if you suffer blood loss or severe pain should be discussed with the doctor because it could be an ectopic pregnancy, a spontaneous abortion or an anembryonic pregnancy.

Likewise, it will ask you for a complete blood test to confirm group and factor, rule out HIV and know if you have antibodies to certain diseases such as toxoplasmosis, rubella or hepatitis that can be harmful during pregnancy, or know if you are a carrier of any genetic disease It will also ask you questions about your medical history and family history of illnesses.

Video: Why the Last Weeks of Pregnancy Count (July 2024).