The bleak image of a six-year-old boy alone on his birthday: he invited 32 children and none appeared

Can you imagine that on your child's next birthday you invite the whole class and none appear? Perhaps it is one of the worst nightmares of a mother: having to comfort the child because what was going to be an afternoon of partying and games has become a bleak landscape.

Well that is what happened to Teddy, six years old, and his mother Sil Mazzini in Tucson (USA) on Sunday, October 21. They invited the 32 children of the nursery school and their parents to a snack in a pizzeria and only one of the parents warned that they were not going. The rest, directly did not show up.

So Sil decided to send a picture of his son only in the restaurant To a journalist. He shared it on his wall and Teddy had rained birthday gifts and congratulations.

How can this be done to a child ... and his family?

That is the question I asked myself when I learned about this post that is going viral. And it is not for fun! We no longer talk about money thrown away (which too) but about the lack of empathy of these adults, parents of six-year-old children, by not contacting Teddy's parents to communicate that, for whatever reason, they cannot attend to his birthday And unfortunately it is not the only case.

In Babies and moreThe moving story of Alexis, the girl nobody went to her birthday and that has become a symbol of solidarity

Most of us, 'normal' parents, have had to juggle for our little ones to go to a friend's birthday because they wanted to go (and that even if it meant going around the city and talking for three hours with strangers).

But we do it for them, so they enjoy.

And how many times have we also had to call the parents of the children we have invited to our son's birthday because they have not confirmed two days of the event? At least, I have had to do it on more than one occasion. Hence, when my children are the guests, try to respond as soon as you know our availability if you will be able to go or not.

And is that if only for "Do not do to others what I would not like them to do to me."

Teddy's story

Well, it seems that not everyone thinks alike. According to information published by the Washington Post, this Tucson mother, Sil, asked her son Teddy how she wanted to celebrate her sixth birthday, and gave her a choice between going to Disney World or inviting her entire class. And he chose to have a party with his classmates and his parents.

So they booked at a pizzeria in Tucson, where they live, for 30-40 people and sent the invitations. Only one family declined the invitation. The rest simply did not appear.

So the mother decided to send a photo of her son to the journalist Nick VinZant. He hung it on his Facebook wall and a wave of support for little Teddy broke out.

In just two days the publication has gone viral, and congratulations and gifts come nonstop. Even two local and daily television networks wrote about Teddy, and a radio station offered to give her another party, but Sil declined.

The news spread to all social networks and the Phoenix Suns basketball team has joined the involuntary tribute to Teddy and has offered him a very special birthday greeting through Twitter:

"How about we celebrate with thousands in our house? Tickets for Wednesday's #SunsVSLakers game are all yours."

How about we celebrate with thousands at our place! Tickets to Wednesday's #SunsVSLakers game are all yours Teddy! Talk soon! //

- Phoenix Suns (@Suns) October 22, 2018

Luckily, according to mom's statements to the Washington Post, little Teddy was not very aware of what happened, perhaps because of his young age or because his father was busy playing with him at all times.

"For him it was a good birthday and on Monday he went to school in a very good mood. He did not understand. If that had happened to an 11 or 12 year old boy, it would be difficult. But he is so young that he is well."

A happy party ending

The team spread the images of Teddy's visit to the Suns basketball stadium, where he saw his first NBA game. He met his favorite players who gave him personalized shirts and made him feel the king of the party.


- Phoenix Suns (@Suns) October 25, 2018

But the best was the happy face of the child with a huge smile that contrasts with the one above, after having passed the bitter drink on his birthday. Surely you will never forget this special celebration.

Did we mention it's Teddy's first NBA game!?! #ThisIsWhyWePlay x @nbacares

- Phoenix Suns (@Suns) October 25, 2018

Photos | @NickVinZantreports

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