Moms and dads, tell us your story

In the Month of the Father we have launched a new initiative for parents to tell us their experiences about fatherhood in first person.

The proposal has been successful and we have received some stories from very touching parents about how they experienced pregnancy, childbirth or what they felt when they saw their baby's face for the first time.

Now we want to also invite moms to share their stories with us. We want to know first hand your experiences as mothers. We would love to hear your stories about pregnancy, childbirth, as well as your experiences with breastfeeding, reflections on parenting or what you consider interesting to share.

So dads and moms, in Babies and more you have an open space to tell your experiences As parents. We offer you the opportunity to become bloggers for a day through a medium visited by thousands of readers every day.

The stories should be sent by email to the address [email protected]. Needless to say, for stories to be published they must be publishable. The stories should have a certain length (such as the average of a blog post) and be fairly well written (best possible).

We look forward to your stories!

Video: My Family Is Totally Nuts! I Have One Dad And Three Moms. Best True Stories Animated (May 2024).