Half of mental disorders begin before age 14: keys to prevent and identify these problems

According to WHO data, mental health problems affect more than 300 million people worldwide, and half of these disorders begin before age 14.

That is why, on the occasion of the World Mental Health Day we celebrate today, WHO has wanted to focus on the importance of prevent the onset of mental illness in adolescence, as well as providing support to those who suffer from them and their families.

Adolescence, a stage of great vulnerability

Adolescence is a period of biological maturation that takes place approximately between the ages of 12 and 17. In this phase, the child begins to experience a series of physical changes, he has to begin to assume important responsibilities, and his life is usually influenced by various factors (environmental, cultural, social ...).

For many it is an exciting time, but so many changes can also put a lot of stress on the teenager.

Not surprisingly, WHO warns that if these feelings of stress or anxiety are not recognized on time or controlled, they could end up leading to mental illness, depression being one of the disorders that most affects this stage of life.

In Babies and more Anxiety, depression and other psychological problems in childhood: when children go to therapy Half of the mental illnesses begin before the age of 14, and according to data from the Spanish Association of Pediatrics, between the ages of 15 and 18, It is twice as frequent in girls as in boys.

In addition, experts warn that in many occasions mental disorders are linked to high consumption of alcohol, tobacco and drugs, teenage pregnancies, school drop-out and criminal behaviors, which can put people's lives at risk.

What can cause depression in the teenager?

The Causes that may be behind a depression during adolescence are not always clear, but the AEPap lists the following risk reasons:

  • Conflicts in the environment, especially when they occur successively.

  • Death or physical and mental illness of relatives or close people.

  • Clashes with parents, conflicting divorces, abuse ...

  • Situations of economic need.

  • Physical illnesses that produce disabilities, and other mental illnesses (anxiety, phobias, eating disorders, drug addictions ...).

  • Problems in the social and academic environment: school failure, bullying and cyberbullying, emotional breakdowns, isolation ...

This year, on the occasion of World Mental Health Day, WHO has placed a special focus on the misuse of technologies by teenagers, which can generate additional tensions and addictions.

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How to know if my child has depression?

Any problem or dislike in a person's life can lead to a feeling of sadness or dejection that does not necessarily imply depression. But if the signs that our children show appear all together or almost every day, it is very important to take urgent measures:

  • Your mood throughout the day is sad or angry.

  • Stop doing things that previously made him happy.

  • Begins to have sleep and eating disorders, both by excess and by default.

  • Often is fatigued, tired and unable to do simple and everyday tasks.

  • It is isolated from family and friends and he doesn't enjoy the company or the activities with them.

  • Have aches or pains frequently (headaches, stomach aches ...)

  • Difficulty thinking, concentrate and make decisions. Likewise, it is frequent that in the school it lowers its academic performance.

  • Low self-esteem, guilt, recurring thoughts about death or suicide ...

In case of detecting these symptoms in our children, experts advise talking with them to try to identify the problem or the situation that is causing them depression. In addition, it is essential to see a pediatrician or family doctor as soon as possible, to receive advice on how to proceed.

Sometimes, it is the pediatrician himself who first identifies these symptoms. And it is that the closeness with children and their families since they are born, and the degree of knowledge and confidence they reach with patients, make them ideal people to detect in their early stages any mental health problem.

It is essential to diagnose any mental disorder early, to put the appropriate treatment and prevent it from leading to more serious problems

Childhood education helps prevent future problems

There is a growing consensus about the fact that a Healthy development during childhood contributes to good mental health during adolescence, and helps prevent behavior problems, anxiety, depression and other disorders.

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During childhood, parents we must carry out a positive upbringing, and an education based on love, respect and empathy. In addition, it is essential to give our children a good example with our actions, encourage communication and active listening, and always rely on them and their possibilities. But this education must continue during adolescence, and continue to strengthen our bond with them.

Teachers also play a fundamental role in education, as they contribute to teaching children and adolescents to create skills that help them face the challenges that will be found every day at home and at school.

In addition, experts insist on the importance of carrying out other parallel and necessary actions, such as education in the responsible use of technologies, instilling healthy lifestyles (including proper eating, adequate rest and exercise). physical), and the practice of family activities that foster communication and trust with our children.

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Video: Symptoms of Child Behavior Disorders. Child Psychology (April 2024).