The rubella vaccine may not cause serious harm to the fetus

If you get rubella during pregnancy, the consequences can be very serious for the baby who is getting pregnant being even more severe in the first weeks of pregnancy.

There is no treatment during pregnancy so it is recommended to apply the vaccine preventively three months before if you plan to look for a pregnancy.

Speaking at the time about vaccines in pregnancy Velsid have told us that the rubella vaccine is absolutely contraindicated for pregnant women, however there seems to be new data in this regard.

According to a study published in The Pediatric Infectious Disease Journal conducted by the Ministry of Health of Costa Rica getting vaccinated against rubella while pregnant would not cause major harm to the fetus.

Six years ago they carried out a mass vaccination campaign against measles and rubella by monitoring the women who were pregnant at the time but did not know it.

The researchers identified almost 1,200 cases in which "there was no adverse evolution of pregnancy, such as abortion or congenital rubella syndrome in immunized women who ignored that they were pregnant."

It is the first study we know about the "safety" of this vaccine during pregnancy.

More research should be carried out, but for the moment it is still contraindicated. Therefore, if the disease has not been suffered, the most sensible thing is to apply the rubella vaccine during childhood.

Video: Facts about the Measles MMR Vaccine. UCLA Health (May 2024).