Pedophilia no, an organization that denounces pedophilia on the Internet

We have just met a website that we hope to never have to resort to, it is about Pedophilia no. This is a non-profit organization that tries to denounce pedophile practices to try to end them. All those websites whose content is related to childhood and sex are reported.

Avoiding some of the aberrant practices that occur in this world is something necessary, child sexual abuse can be found anywhere, pedophiles do not discriminate against age or sex, they do not care, just that they are children to satisfy His most despicable instincts. The website provides information on the different pedophile trends, as well as an approximate description of the profile of one of these people, they also provide us with a form with which we can report the contents that we have mentioned before.

Pedophilia will take the corresponding procedures to notify the competent authorities although it will never hurt to report it directly to the specialized police department dealing with this type of matter.

As they say on this website, cheating, stimulating or forcing children to pose in photographs or pornographic videos is a way of belittling the dignity, self-esteem and respect for children, human beings.

Video: Homosexuality not Pedophilia is the Problem with Catholic Priests? The Non-Prophets (July 2024).