If you are looking for a pregnancy, try to have sex more than once tonight

How many times do you have to make love to get pregnant? They tell us often, but how often: every day, every day, every two-three days, once a week?

One of the most widespread myths is that after a few days of withdrawal the sperm accumulate and there are more chances of pregnancy, but it is proven that this does not increase the success of conception. On the contrary, the withdrawal of several days does not increase the amount of sperm, lower its quality, reducing mobility and raising free radical problems, factors that hinder the fertilization of the ovule.

Make love every one to three hours

The latest research suggests that making love more frequently improves the quality of sperm DNA and a new study goes further. Not only does he recommend making love every day, but more times per day.

Researchers at the Center for Reproductive Medicine at Shengjing Hospital in northeastern China were able to show that sperm quality and reproductive outcomes improve when semen is provided after only one to three hours of withdrawal.

In Babies and more Making love often improves sperm DNA

To find out, they conducted a study with almost 500 couples to assess whether the time that a couple trying to conceive waits between relationships could modify their success rates.

The men were divided into two groups: those who abstained for several days and what abstained for a maximum of three hours, and observed that semen volume and sperm motility. As noted earlier, sperm from shorter withdrawal periods moved faster.

"For years, men have generally been advised to limit sexual activity to increase the chances of pregnancy," said Dr. Li Chen, author of the study. "However, it is time to change our minds."

To see if the changes in the sperm were affecting fertility, they implanted embryos by in vitro fertilization from the two samples, those of the men who had abstained the longest against those who least.

The results showed that if a typical live birth rate is around 30 percent, in the experimental cohort, that is, those who had between one and three hours of abstinence, live births were a third higher.

That is, abstinence from a few hours is better to conceive than abstinence from days. A more recent ejaculation of a man - within three hours or so - has faster and more mobile sperm, and therefore with greater chances of conceiving.

How to increase the chances of conceiving

To promote conception it is essential to recognize the fertile days of the cycle. It is recommended to have frequent sexual intercourse from day 13 of the cycle for about five days in case of regular cycles of 28-30 days, or during the central 7-10 days of the cycle in the case of irregular cycles.

In Babies and more How to get pregnant: methods and tips

Postures can also influence when conceiving. Of course, those that allow sperm to be as close as possible to the cervix are preferable and in which gravity plays in favor.

Anyway, do not obsess with the search for the baby because we run the risk of making it an obligation and what it is about having fun, so in light of the latest studies you can try make love more than once to increase the chances of success.

Video: Can I get pregnant if I have sex a day before ovulation? (May 2024).