Traditional cuisine for children

Yesterday they began a series of conferences in the Assembly Hall of the Mother and Child Hospital of Malaga about food, whose information can be very useful for parents who want to provide the most appropriate food for their children. The Royal Academy of Veterinary Sciences of Eastern Andalusia, the Maternal and Child Hospital and the Official College of Veterinarians have worked together to offer a series of conferences that will be held every Tuesday of this month and in which topics related to food will be discussed in general.

The information we can obtain following an interview published in the digital newspaper La Opinión de Málaga and conducted by Julio Boza López, an expert from the Academy of Veterinary Sciences of Eastern Andalusia, is extremely interesting because of its instructive content. For 12 years food behaviors have been changing until reaching the current situation in which overweight and obesity is practically the dominant tonic. For this, television, rhythm of life, new technologies, new food trends, lack of physical exercise, etc. have played fundamental roles.

Concern is growing, especially for nutrition experts who try to provide the right keys to avoid the problems we have mentioned and the consequences that result from them. The interview teaches us a little about how feeding has evolved in children and how we should act to avoid overweight and obesity in our children.

A recommendation made by the expert is to return to traditional cuisine, lately something forgotten, cooked and potajes for children would provide the necessary elements for proper development, but yes, without excess of added fats and always doing regular physical exercise. Many of the readers have enjoyed these types of meals but, unfortunately, they are not made for their children, Traditional cuisine combined with some new foods may be the most effective choice that would contribute to reducing the high levels of overweight and obesity that occur in our country.

Video: Kids Try Traditional Passover Foods (July 2024).