Low cholesterol during pregnancy predisposes to premature delivery

Cholesterol is something necessary for the organism of the future mother but always in its right measure, having a high cholesterol index or on the contrary presenting lack, are negative aspects for the health of the mother and the future baby.

Cholesterol is received by our body through food intake especially those that are of animal origin, meat, dairy, eggs, etc. It is a molecule necessary for our body, there are two types of cholesterol, the so-called bad or LDL and the so-called good or HDL, the latter is considered healthy, among other aspects, for the effective protection it performs against a possible heart attack or by the implication in the hormonal manufacture and in the metabolization of diverse vitamins. Well, in the case of a future mom, Cholesterol is involved in the processes that allow both the implantation of the embryo, the formation of the placenta and its development and of course in the organism of the future baby. This introduction serves to present the studies carried out by a group of scientists belonging to the National Institute of Health of the United States in which they show the close relationship that exists between a low level of cholesterol in pregnancy and the possibility of having a premature delivery increasing the risks for the future baby.

The relationship between excess cholesterol and the risks of having a premature delivery was already known, but the opposite aspect was not known, having a low cholesterol index. According to the scientists' conclusions, neither much nor little, a fair measure is necessary. The study took data from 118 future moms who had reduced cholesterol levels and another 940 who had normal or elevated cholesterol levels, future white and black moms were included.

The analyzes carried out determined that the reduced cholesterol index, below 159 mg / dl, increased more than three times the possibility of having a premature delivery with respect to mothers who had a cholesterol index at the appropriate levels, between 159 and 261 mg / d. It was also found that the fetuses had a lower weight and that the chances of suffering different congenital anomalies were increased. The most curious thing is that these results were only in white mothers, on the contrary, in black mothers there was no consequence.

This study partially contradicts what was indicated in the post. A low cholesterol diet during pregnancy improves the blood circulation of the baby, it may benefit the blood flow but other risks are taken.

Everything in its correct measure, excesses or deficiencies are harmful and during pregnancy one or another situation can lead to a problem for the future baby. Our recommendation is to perform periodic checks advised by experts, to perform a healthy and balanced diet and exercise on a regular basis. You will guarantee the health of your child and your own.

Video: Continuum of Care for Congenital Heart Disease (July 2024).