Industrial children's snacks under examination by the OCU

The concern about overweight and childhood obesity is a topical issue, trying to inform about everything that encourages or predisposes to suffer these problems is a moral obligation. This is one of the reasons why the OCU (Organization of Consumers and Users) has decided to carry out various Nutritional analysis of those products most used in children's lunches or snacks.

Chocolates, cookies, buns or milkshakes, among others, have been analyzed resulting in an unequivocal conclusion, they are foods that should be consumed very sporadically and should never be considered as an adequate and healthy nutritional base. The snack is an obligation and is necessary for the good development of children, but you should always contemplate healthy and natural foods.

In these products, sugar is the most predominant, its protein content is poor, as is its content in slow assimilation carbohydrates. With respect to other products commonly used in snacks, such as cheeses or pates, it should be noted that the excess fat that these foods contain are not recommended, since they predispose to suffer future cardiovascular problems. Excess salt is another problem closely associated with poor health, we remember some initiatives such as the one developed by the Ministry of Health to try to reduce the salt content in products such as bread, but in the long term, so that the consumer does not notice The change and has been effective. For in the same way they should have acted with certain products that children usually consume for snacks and that have excess salt.

The lack of time or the absence of parents for work reasons, are some of the reasons why some products are more relevant in the children's diet, this must change and it is the parents or guardians who must begin to provide our children with products Healthy and natural

The analyzes are carried out as a test to show how harmful these products can be on a regular basis and are the result of concerns about improving infant feeding, in favor of optimal development. It is interesting to take into account the data provided by organizations such as the OCU.