A spa that also has a service to take care of your children while you relax, where do we sign up?

How tired is mother's life! (And of father also, of course, but I speak from my experience). From the moment we wake up until we put our head back on the pillow at the end of the day, we are in a hurry solving pending, doing the daily routine and with all those thoughts fluttering in our head. We could use a break, right?

A spa in Los Angeles knows it, and has had a great idea: have a nursery area while fathers and mothers enjoy their relaxation services.

The Lé La Spa is the dream of many fathers and mothers, because It is a place of relaxation designed so that all people with children have the opportunity to go for a massage or have a moment of rest, without worrying about having to organize to see who will take care of their children while doing so.

In addition to having the usual services that you can find in a place of relaxation such as massages, manicures and facials, It has a nursery space, where children play, read and are watched by nannies, which are also trained in first aid.

The nursery service receives babies from 6 months and children up to nine years old, and has no cost When it comes to just one child. If they are more, a small fee is charged which, in my opinion, is worth it for a moment of rest and pampering.

This spa is fully designed for families, because in addition to the nursery space for children, it has courses and activities in which parents can write them down and take them while receiving one of the spa services. Even, the service of renting a small room is offered only to take a nap.

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For the safety of parents, the playground has surveillance cameras that store videos all day and has a window so they can see their children if they wish. In addition to the nursery area, It also has a space for nursing mothers to breastfeed their children in private. If they want to.

Personally, the idea of ​​places like these seems fantastic to me and is a good solution for mothers, fathers and children to be happy and we can obtain without fear or blame the deserved rest that we often need. In our case, time for mom is something we should not underestimate and that can help us feel better, raise our spirits and even be even better mothers.

Hopefully this idea will become popular, because I'm sure thousands of mothers and fathers they will love being able to have a moment of rest, such as receiving a massage while their children play safe and close to them.

Video: Serve The Goddess Mobile Spa Services An Overview (July 2024).