Runny nose in the newborn

When my little girl was born at the end of the summer, even though it was still hot, it was forbidden to turn on the air conditioner in the hospital room so she wouldn't catch a cold.

Also, during the first few days he sneezed frequently and some sharp snot dropped.

Fearing that I had caught a cold so small, I consulted with the pediatrician and told me that it is very common for babies born to present a runny nose and even sneezing during the first weeks.

It does not respond to any disease or allergy, but the reason is that the baby removes substances that have accumulated in the upper airways during pregnancy. It is usually called "rhinitis of the newborn."

The pathways of their noses are very narrow and any nasal fluid can cause them to breathe with noise, or appear congested even if they don't really have any colds.

Also consult with the pediatrician, who if necessary will tell you how to clean the nose with physiological serum and an expert, although in most cases the sneezes themselves are the natural way for the baby to eliminate mucus.

Anyway, even if they are born in summer, it is advisable that babies of just days wear thread socks, a frog that covers their legs and a light cotton clothes, but long sleeve, especially if the maternity has central air conditioning system , which also must always be covered to sleep even if only with a little blanket and a light blanket.

Video: How to suction an infant's nose with Amy Seery, MD (July 2024).