Beach days (part I)

For some time I wanted to take my two girls to the beach, and this week has been possible. As a holiday snack, we have spent four great days in family.

There are parents who do not like to go to the beach with young children. The sand, the people, the sun, the danger of the sea ...

It will be that I love the beach, and that is why I consider it an ideal place to go with children on vacation, unless they are newborn babies. Yes, always with caution, but the same that we should have on the mountain, in the river or wherever.

The oldest, almost three years old, had only gone to the beach for one day last year and did not remember very well what it was, so it was practically the first time she had met the sand and the sea, that when she saw it The first thing he said absolutely astonished by its extension was "it's very grrrrrande".

Of course we carry a good assortment of buckets, shovels, rakes and molds to build the castles of rigor, in addition to balls, umbrellas, chairs, towels ... as is normal in these cases, a small move.

Luckily time accompanied. The temperature was moderate, so no baths in the sea if we didn't want to fish for pneumonia. We have only wet our feet a little, except for my husband who has bathed to teach girls how to disappear under the waves.

The little girl, who also came to the beach with her own mini bucket (a tiny baby Imaginarium), has not learned much about the sea, but has discovered and tested the sand.

The first minutes he touched her only with his hands, but then he went on to a deeper knowledge of the terrain, never better, putting whole handfuls of sand in his mouth.

For me the beach is a hilarious plan where children fully enjoy. Without a doubt, one of my favorite places to spend family vacations.

Do you also choose the beach with your family this summer? If not, what is your favorite place for a holiday with children?

Video: Beach Days - A Summer IndieFolkPop Playlist (July 2024).