Eco-friendly school menus in Andalusia

Healthy and balanced eating is the most recommended option for children, but also, if it is based on organic foods, the benefits are remarkably doubled. Organic products, in addition to being free of pesticides, pesticides, various fertilizers, etc., have a much more intense flavor being much richer and attractive to the palate.

We have known an initiative that has been very satisfactory and that it would be very interesting for it to spread throughout the Spanish state. Apparently, a total of 75 directors of Andalusian schools that are attached to a program of ecological school menus (Organic Food for Schoolchildren of Andalusia), held a meeting to discuss the mode of action and how they should inform families to work together. Also participating in the Andalusian Board, the Ministry of Education, Environment and Agriculture and Fisheries. In the school canteens they will start serving menus where organic products will prevail, the idea of ​​implementing this type of food is very interesting and aware of it, the directors of the different schools, nurseries or school residences among others, are joining to this program The food activities of the educational centers should always be accompanied by an equal performance at home, it is of little use for a child to eat well in school if afterwards the same conditions do not apply at home or he or she carries out a lousy diet.

These types of programs are necessary and parental support is essential if what is intended is to avoid the dangers resulting from poor diet.

Video: YOU WON'T BELIEVE THIS PLACE Vegan Hotel + Restaurant in Spain (July 2024).