Tips that help deal with jealousy between brothers

On several occasions we have talked about jealousy or rivalry between siblings, especially when a new brother comes home.

And we know how complicated the matter is. He The main advice that experts give is to prepare the older brother from pregnancy or make him participate in the daily tasks with the baby.

Following the advice of the experts of the Fisher Price Web, I have noticed something that my oldest son really likes and gives him great satisfaction: making him feel like a baby.

In play and playfully I make the same affections as the baby: I cradle it and give it a soft spanking while I speak to him, he starts laughing and gets off my arms with a face of delight. I have previously told him "let's assume that you are a baby again" and after the achuchón a "come on, be an older child again".

I also read his thoughts, things like “Are you sad because we haven't played for a little while? True? It has been difficult for young children to express feelings, if it shows angry we can anticipate, comment, hug and make plans to play later when the baby does not allow them.

If you have the good fortune of having grandparents nearby they can help manage sibling rivalry. I checked it this Holy Week. My oldest son felt number 1 again with the pampering and attention of the grandparents.

And most important of all is our patience and the love we offer.

Video: Dealing With Jealousy (May 2024).