Strong and healthy I want to be, project to encourage healthy habits in children

Initiatives such as the one we just met through news, are interesting and recommended for children. The AMPA of the public school Tartessos (Málaga) has launched an interesting project entitled Strong and healthy I want to be, intended for children aged between 3 and 7 years.

It is a workshop that, guided under the professional psycho-pedagogical advice, aims to convey to children the importance of eating a healthy and balanced diet. Children will carry out various activities, making murals representing the food pyramid, games where food is the center of attention and will even make visits to the market to learn about the different existing food products. Another activity that has caught our attention are the tastings of healthy meals that will be carried out, this type of activities promotes not only healthy eating, sociability, intellectual development, etc.

These are extracurricular activities turned into a fun activity and very beneficial for children. They will even visit an orchard to get to know food closely, also promoting a special communion with the land.

Teaching healthy habits should be done from an early age, the older a child is the harder it will be, those who have promoted this great initiative are aware of it. Many parent associations and institutions should take an example.

Video: Healthy Habits in Action. Cedars-Sinai (May 2024).