If you are pregnant, enjoy red beet

There are different varieties of beets, but let's talk about orchard beet or Red beet, a vegetable that belongs to the family of Chenopodiaceae, highly recommended in almost any diet, but especially beneficial in the diet of the healthy pregnant woman.

The beet is rich in iron, much needed mineral during pregnancy, but it is also a great source of folic acid, which we already know that collaborates in the proper development of the neural tube of the fetus, especially during the first weeks of pregnancy. In case of preeclampsia or hypertension during pregnancy, it may be contraindicated, so you should consult your doctor. Among some of its virtues, there is also the moderate caloric level, which makes it suitable for weight control diets, its high fiber content that favors intestinal transit, the supply of iodine, which favors the functioning of the thyroid gland , potassium and sodium that are necessary to transmit and generate the nerve impulse, etc.

Its consumption can be adapted to various gastronomic elaborations, in juices, salads, soups, purees, as an appetizer and even as a side dish. How do you prefer to enjoy it?

Video: Red Cabbage Gender Test - Boy or Girl?! (July 2024).