Books for children with Down syndrome

A program launched in Badajoz will allow the integration to the reading of children suffering from Down Syndrome, it is the Extremadura program, Live Easy Reading.

Through appropriate modifications, children can easily access the reading, the texts of the books will present a special structure so that children can more easily assimilate reading.

Thus, the letter of the text is larger, the paragraphs are shorter, the numbering appears with numbers, not with letters. Nor do any type of annotation appear in the margins and there is a great predominance of illustrations, which makes it a much more attractive and enjoyable read for those who suffer from Down Syndrome. Reading is emotional, many feelings arise from it, including joy and happiness, trying to make these values ​​be appreciated by children, who can enjoy as others do when reading, is a laudable task that a group of university researchers Madrid and Barcelona have expressed through two easy reading workshops taught to children and young people with Down Syndrome. The program allowed a joint reading of El Quijote and a discussion with comments where they were talking about what was read.

Cultural exclusion is an issue that must be fought, everyone and especially all children should have the opportunity to access reading without any difficulty. At the moment, the edition of 5,000 adapted copies has been planned so that easy reading is available to all children and adults residing in the province of Extremadura.

Video: Life with Down Syndrome: Izzy's Story (July 2024).