Car seats, dangerous for the baby?

Although child seats are essential for the safety of our children on board cars, it is recommended to monitor the baby especially when he falls asleep.

The specialists warn about the dangers of letting babies sleep in car seats.

Well, according to a British study published in The British Medical Journal, the position that babies adopt when sleeping leaning forward can in some cases obstruct the airways, causing what is known as "position suffocation."

To reach this conclusion, they relied on the case of more than 40 children admitted to hospitals with respiratory problems.

Nine of them had been sleeping in the child car seat, while in eight cases, the babies had been sleeping in the seat inside the home and with the body in a relatively right position.

The position, with the jaw resting on the chest, means that the chest cannot fully expand so that oxygen enters the body.

Therefore, doctors recommend that at all times children be monitored inside the car, not let them sleep for long periods of time in the car seat (both in the car and at home), and make regular stops on long trips.

Anyway, there is no doubt that child seats are the only safe way to travel in a car for babies and children, only that you have to be attentive and accommodate the baby when it is dangerously tilted forward.

Video: Pediatrics: Child Car Seat Safety (July 2024).