Sexist messages in toy ads

Parents are responsible for educating our children in gender equality. The media too.

Well, it is through them that children create their stereotypes, and the data indicates that they are not working in that direction.

A representative study of 150 ads carried out in Andalusia during the past month and a half indicates that six out of ten ads contain sexist messages.

Girls play with dolls and are responsible for cleaning, care and feeding inside the house while imposing a successful image related to beauty.

Those games and toys based on the imitation of roles is where sexist messages are most accentuated.

According to the Andalusian Observatory of Non-Sexist Advertising of the Andalusian Institute of Women, 58% of the advertisements appeared in the press and television projects sexist stereotypes and violates the points of the decalogue of non-sexist advertising.

Women take care of household chores while children take care of cars. Like life itself. Identical to real life.

Why not a boy with a Barbie and a girl playing racing? It is not a matter of imposing it, but of teaching them that the possibilities are very wide.

Maybe, the example should start at home to change those stereotypes. Models that we are all responsible for reversing.

Video: Gender Stereotype Ads (June 2024).