How to detect vision problems in children

Vision problems are very serious, but in children they are not so easy to recognize. If they are not detected in time, they can have serious consequences, including partial or total loss of vision.

Therefore, it is recommended that you observe the eyes of your children from an early age to know if there is a problem.

Regular visits to the eye doctor from four years of age are recommended, unless a problem is detected before.

Children often do not complain, but There are some attitudes that can make you suspect if there is a problem that you cannot miss.

See if he gets too close to watch TV, constantly complains of a headache and tired eyes, compresses his eyes to see something that is remote, has difficulty running, trips or presents excessive tearing and burning in the eyes. If you go to school and feel difficult to read from a distance, you have lost interest in reading and studies are some signs that can alert you to possible problems in your child's eyes.

When they are still babies, a symptom that can help you recognize a problem is if the baby's eyes tremble or deviate for any reason or do not follow the parents' face or voice.

Regarding the structure of the eye, if the pupils are too large or small, they are not dark, but they are opaque and look as if they had a cloudy filter and the eyes are not aligned, you should see a doctor.

Video: Recognizing vision problems in children (July 2024).