Home alone, the only child

Many years ago, in Spain the couples had two, three or more children, at present this is not the case, things have changed and more and more Spanish couples choose to have a single child.

In the past, sociological studies defined the only child as a small tyrant, somewhat unsociable and very spoiled. This has also changed, now the studies are more realistic and consistent with the situation, they are also much more positive than before.

Being an only child does not determine the future or the child's personality, evolution and character This will be marked by the education you receive from parents, as is the case with children who have siblings. According to a collection of data by the American psychologists D. Polit and T. Falbo, if an only child grows up in an environment that is harmonious and stable, the child will have high intellectual development, will be generous, sociable or self-confident among other aspects In fact, these characteristics usually occur in children who were only children until the new brothers arrived.

The explanation is as follows: the child has the exclusive attention of the parents, which allows him to feel loved, important and confident. These feelings allow the establishment of the bases that will allow a determined and very safe personality.

Since there is no brother in between, the child usually compares himself with his parents and tries in his own way to catch up with them, behaving like them in everything. This data is important since, as we have said on numerous occasions, the behavior of a child in most cases is a reflection of the behavior of the parents.

A habitual treatment with the elderly favors the only child the treatment with the professors and therefore has a direct impact on the studies. Also, contrary to what was believed, the only child is more open to interacting with other children due to curiosity and interest that may arouse him. Nor do they mind playing alone and are usually more peaceful than children who have siblings.

Although not everything will be advantages, an only child always wants to be the center of attention, in fact, he is used to it and this can make him something self-centered and when he is ignored, he suffers more intensely than a child with Little brothers

An only child often sins naive, not being accustomed to sibling disputes, he does not know how to defend himself and when he gets angry at his friends he can get worse off.

Whether he is an only child or with siblings, it is the behavior of parents, education, attention and affection that he receives from them that will mark his personality and his behavior in life.

Video: KIDS HOME ALONE FOR 1 NIGHT! Can they be trusted? (July 2024).