Gestational chloasma: how to avoid summer pregnancy spots

Chloasma or melasma, also known as 'cloth or stain of pregnancy or pill' They are brown spots with milk that appear on the face, especially in his mustache, cheekbones and forehead.

They will be more or less intense depending on the sun exposure time and they are caused by the hormonal changes of pregnancy. Specifically, due to the increase in Progesterone.

There are women more likely to suffer from their genetic condition, from having darker skin or from sunbathing. Y few future mothers can get rid of the appearance of chloasma in summer.

Dr. José Luis Martínez-Amo Gámez, a member of the Spanish Academy of Dermatology and Venereology, warns that "Once chloasma appears, it is not removed without specific treatment Or is it really difficult. And he adds that "whenever summer arrives, it will reappear in greater or lesser average."

These are your tips to minimize these spots in summer:

1. Resort to a very high photoprotection Every time you leave home. It is the most important measure, since the sun is the main cause of these spots. Solar must be used to protect against UVA and UVB rays and, if possible, against infrared light. And accompany these measures with the use of wide-brimmed hats (the wider, the better).

2. Always use approved sunglasses. The hormone MSH is stimulated through the retina, causing more spots to appear.

3. Use topical depigmenting agents. In summer it is delicate, because if they irritate (what happens in some cases), they can make the spots worse instead of improving them. Therefore, before using them, it is better for the pregnant woman to consult a dermatologist.

4. Turn off mobiles at night. Recently it has been shown that the blue light of mobile devices (tablets and phones) also worsens the state of this type of spots. That is the reason why it is convenient for the pregnant woman to activate the night mode, especially after 10 at night. So you will also rest better.

5. Consult the dermatologist before a holiday with foreseeable prolonged exposure to the sun. The specialist can deepen the problem and offer the best treatment in each case.

In Babies and More Seven advantages of living the final stretch of your pregnancy in summer, Barrigas in the sun with caution: seven tips for pregnant women in summer

Video: Skin changes during pregnancy. गरभवसथ क दरन तवच परवरतन. linea nigra. chloasma (July 2024).