What is the ideal age to have a child?

There are quite a few positions regarding the issue of what is the ideal age to have a childRecently, an English study assured that the most appropriate age was from 30 years, according to this study from this age is when full physical conditions are reached.

This study was based on the health status of 3,000 women, the researchers finally determining that the optimum age was 34 years old. The study in question has been published in the Healt and Social Behavior Journal, and is based on statistics that some scientists do not share.

Other studies adopt different positions in this regard, such as the optimal age is 20 years. This is a controversy that does not allow clarification on this issue and confuses the population.

If we look at what biology says we will see that the most fertile period of a woman is usually between 16 and 28 years and has a lot to do with sexual maturity, greater fertility and puberty. For us it is quite clear, since between these ages, both physical and psychic energy are at an optimal level, diseases that interfere with fertility are practically non-existent. Many studies show that fertility drops steadily, a first decline at 30, a second at 35 and finally the last at 40, with some exceptions.

To say even more, the greatest reproductive capacity of men is when they turn 20, this has a lot to do with what we have said before about the optimal fertility of women. So, what is the point of the study by English scientists?

In this study, they have used various concepts to find the result, personal fulfillment, life expectancy, biological age, etc., all these concepts have provided them with an average that, in our opinion, does not fit reality, since that they would have to take into account as a primary basis the fertile age and not the concepts that surround it.

If we pay attention to this study, it is possible that “we miss the rice”, we must pay attention to our biological pattern, which indicates that the optimal age is between 16 and 28 years.

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