Belly in the sun with caution: seven tips for pregnant women in summer

Living the final stretch of your pregnancy in the summer is something that has many advantages: you light your belly, pamper yourself is easier and it is easier to choose healthy options for your diet.

And although pregnancy is enjoyed a lot at this time, you should always do it with caution. We share seven tips for pregnant women in summer.

Stay hydrated

The first and most important of all, not only during the summer, but throughout the pregnancy. Increasing fluid intake at this stage is essential to prevent dehydration and keep you healthy. In addition, consuming more water will help form the amniotic fluid, which is what surrounds the baby, as well as help increase the volume of blood plasma.

Thanks to all the changes during pregnancy, the temperature of our body increases, and if we add it to the heat that occurs during the summer, it is important to avoid possible dehydration. How much water should you drink a day during pregnancy? The minimum recommended is ten glasses (or 2.3 liters) per day.

Consume fruit

Fruit is one of the foods that will not only help you satisfy those cravings, but that it will also help you stay hydrated, in addition to being an option that craves a lot for its freshness and flavor. Seasonal fruits, such as nectarines, melons, watermelons, peaches or cherries, are a good option to consume during this stage.

Use proper sunscreen

In pregnancy it is safe to sunbathe, but following certain precautions, since your skin is more sensitive during pregnancy. Something you should use (and not only during this stage) is a good sunscreen.

But beware you must be careful when choosing the right one for you, because not everyone is safe to use during pregnancy. Choose a sunscreen cream free of PABA and with a high protection factor. Apply it half an hour before exposing yourself to the sun and put it back every two hours.

Avoid the hours of greatest solar radiation

In addition to using a good sunscreen, we must have more precautions with sun exposure during pregnancy during the summer, because buying a sunscreen with a high factor does not mean that we can sunbathe freely and at all times (this applies not only to pregnancy).

Avoid the hours of greatest solar radiation, which are regularly when the sun is highest, between 11:00 and 17:00 hours. In case you should leave during the hours of greatest radiation, take some precautions to cover yourself from the sun, such as wearing a wide-brimmed hat or a long-sleeved shirt.

You saw light clothes

And since we are talking about clothes, let's discuss those that are ideal to wear during pregnancy during the summer. Choose fresh, light and baggy clothes, in materials that are breathable and of natural fibers such as cotton, and in light colors.

Exercise with caution

During pregnancy, and as long as your doctor has approved it, it is safe to exercise in a moderate way. If you are worried about exercising in the summer because of the risk of increasing your body temperature too much, a few months ago we shared the results of a study that showed that it was safe to exercise with heat during pregnancy, following the precautions indicated there.

One of the exercises that pregnant women choose most is yoga, which has many benefits and of which we recently shared a series of articles with positions for each quarter. Exercising in pregnancy is something you should not stop doing except medical instructions and that will bring various benefits, how to help shorten the duration of labor.

Rest all you can

Just as you should enjoy and exercise during pregnancy, you should also rest. Actually, a good rest in pregnancy is something very important and that we should always have as a priority. If, on the contrary, we do not get enough sleep, the risk of gestational diabetes may increase.

So in addition to taking advantage of the benefits of living your pregnancy during the summer, such as spending hours in the pool or showing off your belly with a swimsuit or bikini, take naps, because not only do you rest, but you also help the healthy development of your baby.

As you can see, being pregnant can be something that you enjoy and enjoy a lot, just be sure to continue precautionary measures during the summer, to protect your belly and the health of you and your baby.

Photos | iStock
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