Fluorine, necessary but not abused

Fluoride It is a micromineral present in nature that is also found in our body and fulfills such important functions as the strengthening of teeth and bones.

The body needs it in small quantities, but this does not mean that it is not important. Collaborate in the formation of tooth enamel And this is a very important aspect for babies. Your dental development begins in the first month of pregnancy, so it is very important that the mother's diet includes the necessary amounts of fluoride, in addition to other vitamins and minerals.

Fluorine has antibacterial agents, so it works in the prevention of tooth decay, so it is excellent for protecting the teeth of all people, whether small or older, although the former are the most benefited, since their teeth are in formation. The main sources of fluoride are found in drinking water, fish, shellfish and some vegetables such as cabbage and spinach, wheat, tomatoes, asparagus, rice, grapes, tea ... we also find them in the market fluoridated and iodized salt, which is the most recommended for our health. The toothpaste is also a source that provides fluoride to our teeth.

The recommended daily amounts of this micromineral should not exceed 3 mg. a day, as in most cases, excesses are not beneficial and fluorosis could be suffered.

The fluorosis It is uncommon, but it can appear after an excessive dose of fluoride for years. The teeth lose their whitish color becoming yellowish, darker or stained.

That is why it is convenient to read the labels of mineral waters and choose those that have a low fluoride content, about 0.25 mg / l., So you will know more easily the dose of fluoride that the child takes.

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