A blow at the heart

On some occasions we have been able to hear about a child born with a blow at the heartAlthough it is an unimportant disorder, it is a matter of concern for parents, since it is something that affects the heart and it is a vital organ, so worry is very logical.

The heart is divided into two parts, these are separated by a wall that closes, in turn, each half is divided into two more parts, two atria and two ventricles. Between both ventricles and atria, there are passage valves that regulate the circulation of blood from an atrium to a ventricle, which close immediately and thus prevent blood from being reversed, that is, to reflux from the ventricle to the atrium.

When one of the valves is somewhat narrower than normal or does not close properly, it can lead to the so-called blow. But also, the breath can be motivated because the wall that divides the heart into two halves is not completely closed. There is not always a murmur due to a small defect in the heart, it can also occur when you lie down or have a fever. These circumstances are different and very temporary, pediatricians call them innocent murmurs since it does not reverse any damage.

But how do you know that there is a breath? Pediatricians listen to them through the stethoscope, one of the valves when closed, produces a very peculiar noise, such as a slight loss of air. In addition you can also notice putting your hand on the child's heart, the beats are as if they were composed, with two background noises.

It is always good to ask the opinion of one more specialist, if the pediatrician diagnoses a murmur, whether innocent or by default, it is best to go to a cardiologist, he will make a much safer and more conclusive diagnosis.

Video: Son Little - "Your Love Will Blow Me Away When My Heart Aches" (July 2024).