Advantages and disadvantages of the epidural

We have all heard about epidural anesthesia; Most people consider it as the safest form of anesthesia that produces fewer side effects. Its defenders argue that it does not interfere at all in the mother's awareness and mental lucidity, relieving the pain completely; their detractors warn about the risks of medically manipulated labor.

But what should we know before deciding the application of the epidural? Here we tell you the advantages and disadvantages of this form of anesthesia.

Keep in mind that epidural is an alternative to relieve pain during childbirth that, although of increasing popularity, raises many doubts. Always consult your doctor and discuss options with him during prenatal visits, making your preferences very clear from the beginning of pregnancy.

Advantages of epidural anesthesia

  • Relieve pain completely without blocking any of your mental faculties.
  • It avoids the need to apply another anesthetic if the use of forceps, vacuum extraction or episotomy is required.
  • By reducing blood pressure, it is ideal for women with toxemia or high blood pressure.
  • Allow your active participation in case of caesarean section.
  • It reduces the work done by the lungs during labor, so it can be beneficial if you have any lung or heart disease.
  • It reduces the muscular activity of the legs, benefiting diabetic women who, in this way, can better balance their insulin and glucose needs.
  • It tends to make labor slower, which can be useful.
  • Its effect lasts about 2 hours and it is possible to reinforce if necessary or make the effect disappear as the birth approaches so that you can fully control this last moment, although the contractions can cause you an unpleasant sensation if you have not experienced anything until then.

Disadvantages of epidural anesthesia

  • Its application implies that your delivery will be medically manipulated from the beginning.
  • There is a possibility of headache after anesthesia, which can last a few hours after birth.
  • There is a greater chance of episotomy and forceps delivery. The concentration of the anesthetic can cause a loss of muscle strength and the sensation of contractions. The result is that the second stage of labor is slower, because the mother will have to depend completely on the midwife's instructions to know when she should bid. The duration of this second stage is the determining factor for the use of forceps.
  • Reducing blood pressure can cause dizziness and nausea. The chances of this happening are greater if you are lying on your back, so we suggest you do it on your side.
  • If your blood pressure drops, the blood supply to the placenta and, therefore, the oxygen supply to the baby is reduced.
  • Some types of anesthetics can also slow the baby's heart rate and reduce the amount of oxygen available.
  • Not all epidurals are effective.

Video: What are the advantages and disadvantages of an epidural? (July 2024).