Increase in children with back problems

At the beginning of this course, our daughter had to do an exercise for the school that caught our attention. Actually we found it interesting, because it was about getting on the scale with the school bag five times, once for each day of the week and each time, it was necessary to weigh yourself with the books and others that you had to take to school, and so, Calculate the weight that your back supported each day.

These studies are done due to increase in children with back problems, which on many occasions, blame the amount of hours children spend sitting at school, the sedentary lifestyle of some and the excess weight of their backpacks.

The College of Physicians of Granada has published a guide for tips to maintain a healthy back, where they usually do physical exercise to strengthen the muscles and remain seated only for the necessary time. They also recommend good postural hygiene, for example, keeping your back straight against the back of the chair and staying close to the table, with your arms resting on it so you don't need to bend over.

Now that the backpacks with wheels are in fashion, many children can avoid back problems, pity that there are many others who do not like to use them and even parents who are bothered by the noise they produce.

As soon as we get one of these guides from the College of Physicians of Granada, we will transcribe all the advice you provide us, but surely we all know some, which one do you give us?

Video: Stretches for Back Pain Relief, How to Stretch Routine, Beginners Home Yoga (July 2024).