Behave at the table

From the age of 3 our son is already prepared to handle the spoon and fork, the knife is the last cutlery he will learn to master and it must be rounded and not very sharp.

At this age it is time to start sharing the table with us (if you have not done so before) and thus learn to behave at lunchtime, and enjoy this moment in family when you have to establish pleasant and positive conversations, avoiding disturbing discussions or issues.

We must teach you to respect the most basic rules starting with the simplest ones, such as washing your hands before eating, using the napkin, not talking with your mouth full, not throwing food away from the plate ... It will be necessary to remind you of these rules from time to time, but we should not be angry if the results are not as expected, but we must tell them how well they do when they achieve it.

Once you have learned the simplest, we can continue with the most difficult explaining something new every day. You must learn what supplies are necessary to eat, the dishes, the cutlery, the napkins, the bread, the water ... You will also learn without difficulty where the fork, the spoon, etc. is placed.

But we must not forget that, there is no better teaching than the example, our son must see us eat together at the table, talking quietly and finishing the meal of the dish. Telling all this will not give the same result if you do not see the facts.

Video: Table Manners 101: Basic Dining Etiquette (July 2024).