Habits of daily hygiene for your children

Body hygiene is very important for both health and personal image. This custom is acquired since childhood and is learned little by little with practice and imitating the elderly.

As our child's ability to coordinate movements increases, he can begin to perform actions such as rubbing or rinsing and it is very important to teach him daily hygiene habits.

We must teach you from your early years the daily hygiene habits such as washing your face in the morning, brushing your teeth after each meal, or at least when getting up and at bedtime, washing your hands before eating, after using the bathroom or to play with according to what things. To give us the example is fundamental, if we also combine it with some comments, it will be a way to teach our child the importance of hygiene. When it is time for lunch, it is highly recommended to go wash your hands with him and explain why.

Explain very clearly what steps you have to follow to wash your hands properly, how to open the tap, how to take the soap, how to rub the hands, how to rinse well, how to dry well, in short, everything that surrounds the act of washing hands.

Buy a tiny nail brush, suitable for your handyman and explain how and when it is used. For example, when you have been playing with the soil, that is when more dirt penetrates the nails. If you are taking a bath, leave a sponge to rub it alone while you explain how to do it, it is also very suitable. Although we know that you will not do very well and that we will have to rub it too, these guidelines help you with your learning about the importance of hygiene.

We know that it is somewhat more complicated to brush your teeth. But it is good that you start from three years old to acquire this custom even if you have to finish the task, surely, until 7 years old, you will have to help him with dental hygiene. Good oral hygiene, even if they are baby teeth, is very important, since it has been shown that dental defects and tooth decay can be transmitted to the definitive denture.

One more way to teach him with daily grooming is to play, you teach them to clean a doll for example, if he has a bear and plays to feed him, asking him if he has brushed his teeth after eating, helps to raise awareness about the importance of hygiene

Video: PERSONAL HYGIENE (July 2024).