#Carlotaquierebailar, the story of the 15-month-old baby who needs a heart to live

"The girl with the infinite smile". This is how Maria, her mother, describes Carlota, a 15 month old baby that fights against a heart disease diagnosed already before birth.

Today she is operated to place an artificial heart that allows her to save time until the transplant arrives and this family, which encourages organ donation Through social networks, he is receiving thousands of samples of support and affection.

Fighter from before birth

The fight story of this family begins before Carlota was born on December 24, 2016. During pregnancy, doctors inform them that the girl has a heart disease called Tetralogy of Fallot and that it would have to be operated at six months . But it doesn't give them time, at six weeks they have to intervene urgently, one of the many operations he has had to live for how little he is.

Carlota needs a heart transplant and I need your diffusion. Please. # Carlotaquierebailar pic.twitter.com/BPKI11zd2P

- Eduardo Plasencia (@EduPlasencia) May 14, 2018

What most attracts the attention of doctors, according to his mother in the letter he has shared, is that Carlota always smiles:

"She is the girl of the infinite smile. She makes everything easier for us, gives us strength to accompany her on her way. She was born to be happy and to make everyone around us happy. Every day I thank you for having her. He has taught what really matters and that a simple look of his makes everything worthwhile and that suffering hurts a little less "

Little fighter, we will win this battle #carlotaquierebailar #donarsalvavidas #uncorazonparacarlota #donar #donarorganos # Vamospequeña #carlota #siemprejuntas

Carlota's best smiles are dedicated to her sister Daniela, the best support of María and José Vicente to cope with this difficult situation:

"Part of the fault of Carlota's good character is her sister Daniela, she is the one who makes her laughter be heard throughout the house. She is only 6 years old but has managed to take this situation as an older person and has taken care of her and spoiled her from day one. They make a perfect team. "

Carlota's parents are not alone

While they wait for a heart compatible with that of their daughter, this family has decided to share their story through social networks, not to ask for a donor for their daughter (it is forbidden to request donors for a specific person), but to raise awareness about the importance of organ donation: "We do not ask for a transplant for her, but we know that if the donation is personified, we can raise awareness so that more people become donors. Whatever happens we have to live up to it and help who we can", explains his mother.

Tomorrow will be an important day #CarlotaQuiereBailar pic.twitter.com/YannFWMq2L

- #carlotaquierebailar (@corazoncarlota) May 15, 2018

For this they have created accounts on Twitter, Instagram or Facebook that have given a huge diffusion to their donation campaign, it has also been the means by which thousands of people have sent them love and good luck for the last operation of the little girl. We wish the same from here to this family. Hopefully the next news we give is that it has arrived The heart Carlota is waiting for.