Baby names banned in the world

Sometimes common sense is the least common of the senses, and there are parents who choose rather unfortunate names for their children. The choice of the baby's name is a decision that must be well considered considering that the child will carry it all his life. Sometimes by looking for the most original or extravagant name, it ends up being harmed.

To avoid giving a child an inappropriate, offensive name or possible cause for mockery, some countries prohibit giving newborns certain names that could ridicule them.


There is currently a list of 61 denigrating or pejorative forbidden names susceptible to teasing the child.

Names like Scrotum, Olive, Cesarean, Fulanito or those whose combination causes a play of bad words like Jorge Nitales or Amilcar Cajada.

The list also includes names associated with technology like Facebook and Twitter, Email, Anglicisms like Usnavy (by US Navy, US Navy in English) and even names derived from movies and novels like Robocop, James Bond, Rambo, Batman or Harry Potter.

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Here are some very special rules: prohibited to use a surname already registered in the Norwegian Population Register as the baby's name, so the most common last names, such as Olsen, Larsen, Haugen, Johansen, Hansen, cannot be used.


In 2006 the government published a list of names that did not comply with the religious traditions of the country, which also include Ah Chwar "Snake", Khiow Khoo "Hump", Sister Chai "Crazy" or "Woti", which means having sexual intercourse

Besides, andinsults, names of food, animals or royalty characters are prohibited, as well as Chow Tow, a burlesque expression in Malaysia that means "stinky head."


The arroba symbol was banned in China. @ in English translates into “at”, sound that sounds like “ai ta”, which in Mandarin means “loves it”. The explanation did not move the authorities, who used the example to illustrate the bad habit of using rare names in the Chinese language.

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The Portuguese government is quite strict with the names: they have a 82 page listing with all the names that cannot be given to children in that country.

Among the most prominent are: Viking, Nirvana, Rihanna, Sayonara, Jimmy, in addition to names that have to do with gender issues and with Portuguese traditions.

If you want to give an Anglo-Saxon name to a baby, it must be changed to the version in your language, such as in the case of Catherine, who would become Caterina.


In this country there is a list of seven thousand preapproved names. If you want to put a name that is not included, you must ask for a special permit (this includes ethnic names, spelling different from the norm or compound surnames). If the University of Copenhagen and the Ministry of Ecclesiastical Affairs will review it and decide if you can use it or not. About 250 names are rejected each year in Denmark.

If you think of Donkey, Anus, Pluto, Jakobp or Monkey, forget it ...

Also, like Germany, Denmark has a rule against the use of gender neutral names such as Taylor, Ashley, Morgan, Miatt or Jordan.

New Zealand

This country tops the podium of strange names. In 2013 they published a list of names that parents had tried to put their children who had been rejected. Among them are Anal, Full Stop (point and separate) and other names that have been prevented as Justice (King) or King (king) or 4Real.

Other names banned in New Zealand, and don't ask me if they are a boy or a girl, are: Fish and Chips "Fish with Potatoes", Yeah Detroit or Sex Fruit.

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The name Lucifer has also been banned by the country's authorities, as in Germany or Switzerland.

Another extravagance: "Talula dances the hula-hop in Hawaii" (in English Talula Does The Hula From Hawaii) is a name that belonged to a nine-year-old girl until a judge decided to change it during the custody process because she considered leaving To the girl in ridicule.


If your baby is born in Switzerland you will not be able to register him with the name of Judas, Lucifer, nor names of places, such as Paris, or brands, such as Chanel.


Years ago, a couple intended to name it “Brfxxccxxmnpccclllmmnprxvclmnckssqlbb11116” (literal) to their baby, a captcha code that was pronounced Albin. Of course he was rejected and banned.

In Sweden they also don't allow names that can be considered an offense to others, or are uncomfortable to use for some, and include terms like Metallica, Superman, Ikea ”and Elvis on their list.


In addition to prohibit gender neutral names, as we said before, they also do not allow the child to be called like an object or product, or give him a last name as a name. Nor do they allow names of controversial characters such as Adolf Hitler or Osama Bin Laden.


In this country they have strict grammar prohibitions. The names must adhere to the linguistic structure of Iceland, whose alphabet does not contain the letters C, Q or W, so any name containing these characters is prohibited.

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Likewise, the names must contain endings that conform to the grammar used in that territory. Names like Zoe, Harriet, Duncan, Enrique or Ludwig are prohibited.

Saudi Arabia

Saudi Arabia has published a list of 51 forbidden names, among which are Alice, Maya and Abdul Nasser, the latter being related to the Egyptian nationalist ruler of the Cold War, Gamal Abdul Nasser.


Art 54 of the Civil Registry Law and Art. 192 of the Civil Registry Regulations determine the limits to the freedom of choice of name.

“The names that are prohibited objectively harm the person. Names that make identification confusing are prohibited and this prohibition certainly reaches the proposed name, which corresponds to a special last name. "

Names like Judas, Hitler, Cain, as well as words like "Poop" or "Crazy" are prohibited.

"No more than one compound name or more than two simple names may be entered."

It is not allowed to call a girl María del Mar Ana Isabel, because they are two compound names, but instead it can be called María del Mar or Ana Isabel.

“Left forbidden diminutives or familiar and colloquial variants that have not reached substantivity, those that make identification confusing and those that mislead as a whole regarding sex ”.

Manolito or Joselito are not allowed, except those who have achieved their own identity as Pepa, by Josefa, Lola, by Dolores, Sandra by Alejandra or Alex by Alejandro

“It cannot be imposed on the born the same name as one of his brothers unless he had died, as well as his usual translation into another language. ”

It is not allowed to call a son Tomás and another Thomas, for example. It is reasonable.

"They are names banned by extravagant those that by themselves or in combination with the surnames are contrary to decorum of the person".

The child cannot be given a denigrating or pejorative name such as Robocop or Pocahontas, nor names that in combination with the last name are such as Esteban Quito or Elsa Pito. It would be a reason for sure mockery for the poor child.

"If they had usual translation to any of the Spanish languages, they will be recorded in the version chosen by the person who has to impose the name."

The previous prohibition of imposing proper names in non-Spanish languages ​​on Spanish is abolished. Before, Mary had to be translated, for example, to Mary. But from one of the modifications of the law is allowed.

Via | Indy100
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Video: 50 Baby Names TOO EXTRA For Some Countries (July 2024).