It is already possible to choose the order of surnames in Mexico City

As of today, in Mexico City it will be possible to choose the order of surnames that the baby will carry, without being mandatory to start with the father's last name, as usual.

We tell you what are the requirements to register and choose which last name will go first: if the mother's or father's.

In Mexico, as in many Spanish-speaking countries, the birth registration process is always carried out by first placing the father's last name, followed by the mother's last name. Now, in a decree that reforms the Civil Code, parents in Mexico City can choose in which order to place their last names when registering their baby.

The reforms were published in the Official Gazette after they were approved by the Legislative Assembly. It is required that as of today the order chosen by the parents will be included and that this will be the same for the sons and daughters born later of the same relationship.

The steps to register with this new measure are as follows:

  • Require the request provided by the Court for free.
  • Go with the Birth Certificate issued by the Secretary of Health of the city.
  • Submit a copy of the marriage certificate. In case of not being married, they must bear the birth certificate of both parents.
  • Carry official identification of both.
  • Present proof of address of Mexico City no more than three months old.
  • Agree on the order of the baby's last names.

It is important to mention that in case the parents do not reach an agreement in the order of last names of the baby, it will be the judge who determines.

Video: Americans Pronounce Latino Names (July 2024).