"Why I am raising my children to be feminists," the statement of Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau

Some time ago we told you about the opinion of the Prime Minister of Canada, Justin Trudeau, in which he stated that he considered himself a feminist and believed that to achieve true equality, we must raise feminist sons and daughters.

Now, in an article written for Marie Claire,It extends a little more on the subject, explaining personally his position as a father, and why he is raising his children to be feminists.

"I am in politics because every day I have the opportunity to work to make the world a better place - for my children and yours. I am proud of the dedicated work that our team is doing to make Canada more open, more inclusive, more taste and more gender equality. But one of the most important jobs I do is not as a political leader, but as a father. Every day, at home, I have the amazing and humble opportunity - along with my wife Sophie - to nurture empathy, compassion, self-esteem and an enthusiastic sense of justice in our three children", the Canadian Prime Minister writes.

The president begins to talk about how proud she is of her daughter Ella-Grace, who grows day by day to be a kind and intelligent woman. But also he says that as a father he worries about the amount of obstacles that exist in the world for women, who still face violence, discrimination, stereotypes that limit them and opportunities that are not equitable and that limit them to achieve their dreams.

From his place as prime minister he works so that this inequity disappears, but he knows that the only one who can defend himself and fight for his place to be respected regardless of gender, is his daughter. Know what The best we can do as parents is to educate our daughters so they know they are enough., as they are, and they have a strong voice that they can use if necessary. So that's why he has decided to educate his daughter to be completely feminist.

But in addition to Ella-Grace, the Prime Minister of Canada has two sons, to which his wife, one day while talking about how they raise their daughter, asked: "That is excellent. But How are you raising your children to also be strong advocates for women and girls?".

"Gender equality is not just an issue for women and girls. All of us benefit when women and girls have the same opportunities as men and boys - and it is within us to make that a reality. Our children have the power and responsibility to change our sexist culture, and I want Xavier and Hadrian - when I'm a little older - to understand that deeply. But I also want to help you to be young and empathetic adults, strong allies who walk the world with openness, love and a fierce bond with justice. I want my children to escape the pressure of being a particular type of masculinity that is highly harmful to men and the people around them. I want them to be comfortable with being themselves, and that they are feminists - that they stand up for what is right, and that they can see themselves proudly in the eyes"writes the prime minister of Canada.

"Feminism is not just the belief that men and women are equal. It is knowing that when we are equal, we are all freer."

He expects that as parents we help build a world in which everyone is treated with respect and recognition. We live in a time when there are more and more parents choosing to raise their sons in feminism, because they know that it is not only a matter of our daughters, but that we all work as a team to achieve true equality.

"That is the world we want to live in. That is the world in which we want our children to live. Raising our children as feminists is recognizing that EVERYONE has a part in building that world. To educate our children in feminism is to honor their future, because they have the responsibility - and the power - to mold it for the best.", the article concludes the prime minister and father of three children.

Video: Ellen Gets Into Her Staff's Facebook! (July 2024).