The moving story of a girl who has invested her savings in buying milk for her classmates

Sunshine Oelfke is a five-year-old girl who studies at a school in Michigan (United States) and has taught everyone a great lesson with her altruism, empathy and its enormous generosity.

The little girl decided on her own will use all your savings to buy milk cartons for your classmates whose parents couldn't afford them a lunch. But with grandma's help, the humble savings of a five-year-old girl, have become almost 900 euros of help to the neediest families in her school.

He wanted all his teammates to drink milk

Little Sunshine Oelfke is passionate about snowmobiling, helping at home with housework, keeping the coins she finds on the street in a piggy bank and Accompany all your meals with a good glass of milk.

A priori, her tastes and actions may be similar to those of any other child her age, but the generosity that this girl has shown is much bigger than her little heart.

And when Sunshine discovered that a classmate could not accompany their meals with a glass of milk, as she likes to do, she was very sad. Knew that his friend's family had financial difficulties and that prevented him from enjoying lunch, like the one she had every day.

So when she got home, the little girl He decided to invest all his savings in buying milk cartons to take them to his classmate.

Little did Sunshine care that those coins he had been collecting for buy a snowmobile, were destined for another purpose. However, when the girl learned that her partner's case was not an isolated event and that many other friends were in the same situation, she decided to do something else.

He asked his grandmother Jackie for help in order to raise funds for the neediest children in your school. All his eagerness was that his companions had milk to accompany the meals and could enjoy a snack at school.

"My granddaughter knows that not all children want to drink milk, but she also knows that there are those who want to drink it and cannot buy it. Therefore, she wants to make sure that everyone can have the option to choose" - says her grandmother in statements to Babble newspaper .

Grandmother and granddaughter opened a GoFundMe account and in just over a week they have collected about 900 euros, that Sunshine has donated to her teacher to be the one who manages the money and helps the students who need it most.

His teacher, Rita Hausher, is really excited about what happened and feels very proud of Sunshine:

"I got goosebumps with his act. I shuddered from the crown to the tip of the foot. Sunshine has given us all a lesson, and made us see that no matter how old you are to do something big in the world "- he said.

No doubt the case of this little girl from Michigan is worthy of praise. His altruism and generosity towards the neediest companions is something that leaves anyone speechless, given their young age. Thanks to your savings and anonymous donations, this year, Sunshine classmates can enjoy a full lunch throughout the course.

  • Photos via GoFundMe

  • Via Babble, TV6

  • Babies and More "Lunch shaming" or lunch of shame: when a student cannot pay for food at school, Economy for children: Pay and other formulas to learn to handle

Video: Harvard Class Day 2019 (July 2024).