Breastfeeding is a right: free admission to the pool for mothers who breastfeed their babies

A few weeks ago, a woman was expelled from a pool in Zaragoza while breastfeeding her daughter of three years. As the mother explained, she was sitting out of the water breastfeeding the girl when the lifeguard told her that she could not do it because of the risk that this practice entailed in contaminating the water in the pool.

The woman made the events public and Zaragoza City Council wanted to show her support by launching the "Breastfeeding is a right" campaign, with which she intends to normalize, support and give visibility to breastfeeding.

Normalize breastfeeding in public

It is not the first time that a woman is expelled from a pool for breastfeeding her children claiming a risk of water pollution. However, nursing mothers agree that this prohibition lies, above all, in prejudices and lack of social information.

In this case, according to the Herald of Aragon, the woman was breastfeeding her daughter out of the water when the lifeguard prevented him, telling him that although there was no specific regulation on that subjectIt was a decision that the first responders had made at a meeting.

The mother publicly denounced the events and other women joined her protest by making public more cases of rejection and prohibitions of breastfeeding in public.

Therefore, several breastfeeding support groups decided to convene a sit-in in the Plaza de España in Zaragoza to show their rejection of what happened and make breastfeeding visible as a right recognized by WHO for both babies and mothers.

Breastfeeding is a right

After the event, the Councilor for Sports of the City of Zaragoza, Pablo Híjar, explained that the current regulation of municipal summer swimming pools does not contemplate the prohibition of this practice and urged women to find some restriction in this regard, to get in Contact the city council or make a formal complaint.

Thus, from the Consistory they have decided to support breastfeeding with a campaign that has the motto "Breastfeeding is a right" with which it is intended, not only to make breastfeeding visible, but to support and recognize it as a right that nobody should forbid.

Campaign of the City of Zaragoza in support of breastfeeding The City of Zaragoza has invited all nursing mothers to go on Saturday, July 8, freely to any of the 22 municipal swimming pools of the city accompanied by their babies

Posters have already been distributed by all the municipal sports centers to spread this information campaign and from the town hall they wanted to make it clear, through the councilor of Equality Arantza Gracia that:

"Breastfeeding is something as natural as feeding your son or daughter, and no one can restrict this right in any public space. In the 21st century it should be something unquestionable, but unfortunately, controversies of this type continue to arise from time to time that indicate us the need to launch campaigns like this. "

In Babies and More They expel a nursing mother from a pool because of the risk of "contaminating the water", Breastfeeding in the face of injustice: thousands of Argentine women join a "tetada" for the right to breastfeed in public, The UN recognizes breastfeeding as a human right for babies and mothers, The four reasons why the world needs mothers to breastfeed in public (and without covering themselves)

Video: Breastfeeding Position and Latch (July 2024).