A 16 month old baby decorates the walls of her room and the result is surprising

Would you let your little son decorate the walls of your house? Maya's parents, 16 months old, were sure so. They just moved to a new house and have considered no one better than their little one to decorate the walls of their own room.

White canvases, brushes and several colored buckets have been enough for this baby unleash your creativity. The process and the result has been recorded by the parents and shared on their social networks and the truth is that it is surprising!

They want to give their daughter the opportunity to explore and experience

When Ryan and Raniece Dalton moved to Brooklin (Alabama - United States), they decided that it would be their little daughter, 16-month-old Maya, who would participate in the decoration of your room.

And this couple has always been very clear that I wanted to let Maya grow up "adventurous", allowing him to" explore the world and be free, "according to BuzzFeed News, in his own words.


To do this, they gave him white canvases, brushes and paint cans and encouraged him to draw as he pleased in the garden and the truth is that the result is surprising.

Maya, drawing at will on a white canvas Her father says that the little girl had never painted like this before, but she really enjoyed the experience Maya's father said that what she liked most was mixing colors

And this is the final result: a canvas of colors that Maya devised without rules, without pressure and with absolute freedom:

And it was so impressive that her parents wanted her daughter to repeat the experience, this time on a black canvas:

What is clear is that this baby really enjoyed the moment and that her paintings will be a precious memory for her proud parents, who shared on her Twitter account the whole creative process of this little painter.


- Ryan Dalton (@capetownbrown) June 13, 2017