Some obsolete beliefs of grandparents could harm grandchildren

It is proven that the grandchildren who grow up near their grandparents are happier children and that the grandparents who care for their grandchildren live longer. In addition, the time we spend with grandparents leaves us beautiful memories full of love.

And although it is certainly beneficial for both of them, sometimes situations can arise that could endanger grandchildren, such as when they are based on obsolete beliefs. A new study indicates that outdated grandparents care tips could harm grandchildren. We share the results and how you can prevent this situation.

The advice of grandmothers: sometimes valuable, other outdated

A few months ago I told you some advice from grandma that doesn't work with your baby. For example: give them chamomile tea for colic or spread brandy on the gums to avoid the inconvenience of teething. Although surely 30 or 40 years ago those were the tips that were shared about caring for babies, today they are just obsolete beliefs.

Surely your mother or your mother-in-law has given you some advice that sounds a bit crazy, however I am sure they do not do it with bad intentions. Many times the grandparents are not as up to date as we And they tend to recommend some things that professionals definitely do not recommend.

The study

As part of a trio of studies on raising grandchildren in the hands of grandparents, a survey was conducted to grandparents in the United States about the care they have when they take care of their grandchildren.

In an interview for CNN, Dr. Andrew Adesman, who was one of the two doctors who conducted the study, says that many care practices and beliefs that grandparents have are not safe. "We must not assume that because they raised a child they are experts," says Dr. Adesman.

During the investigation, they found that many myths about parenting were taken by grandparents as true advice. And it is that for grandparents it can be a little more difficult than for parents to be aware of the constant studies and new discoveries about parenting that are published day by day.

For the study, a survey was conducted on 636 grandparents and the results, although they may be worrisome, should be what motivates us to educate them and show them the updated advice of the professionals.

It was found, for example, that almost a quarter of the participants did not know that babies should sleep on their backs, which is the safest position to sleep a baby and thus avoid the risk of sudden death.

Among other questions in the survey, they also discovered that 44% thought that an ice bath is a good remedy to lower a fever, when the temperature change to do so should be gradual, otherwise they could fall very badly.

With these results we can reaffirm what Dr. Adesman says, not because they raised a child means they know how to do it right or in the right way. The health councils have changed a lot over the years, and surely many grandparents have not updated on them because during that time they had not taken care of a baby again.

How to avoid an accident from an outdated belief

The study focused mainly on grandparents who take care of their grandchildren when parents work or are absent for some reason. For many families this is the only way for someone to take care of their children while they cannot.

In the case of grandchildren who only visit grandparents occasionally or who do not spend much time with them, perhaps with a talk about it is enough and be aware that some grandparents may be a little difficult to convince.

Whatever the situation of your family, The best we can do is talk to grandparents to explain current recommendations about caring for babies.. And of course, set some limits and reach agreements on rules and parenting with grandparents.

Photos | iStock
Via | Parents
In Babies and more | When grandparents get in the way too much, caring for grandchildren prevents cognitive impairment of grandparents

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