Rocking and white noise with a mixer: a mother's homemade invention for sleeping her baby

Today, baby stores are full of sophisticated items that make life easier for parents (some essential and others not so much). But here we have a sample of how creativity, and the despair of some parents, far exceeds the latest technology.

This, without a doubt, is the "most curious parenthack" or trick we have ever seen, although a homemade invention nothing recommended. The idea was of a mother who thought of combining the white noise of a blender that at the same time, being tied to an elastic band or rubber band, produces a swing of the hammock in which your baby sleeps.

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White noise + swing

The white noise of certain devices such as a mixer, a fan, a vacuum cleaner, a dryer, etc., has a calming effect on some babies. Being a constant noise and no ups and downs that masks other noises, it makes the brain calm down and can fall asleep.

If we also add a rhythmic movement that rocks the baby to sleep, the trick at first sight seems a success. Not for nothing there are dozens of hammock models with movement and sounds, but This homemade invention is not approved.

The trick was shared in Reddit by the mother, but the fact of placing an electrical device with a baby has raised all kinds of criticism and comments.

One of the users, tercraetor, commented:

If the piece of cloth is caught by the blender, it would throw the baby toward the mixing paddle that could catch an arm or leg, spinning the baby until he dies or until someone stops the mixer, whichever comes first.

To which another user, Kratzyyyy replies:

If the band were caught, it would wrap around the palette. I have one of these mixers in the kitchen and they are quite powerful, but they are not at the same level as a woodworking lathe. This is monumentally stupid because the baby would probably be hurt, but he wouldn't be caught by the paddle and thrown like a rag doll until he died.

A priori it seems funny, but most users saw it as a real recklessness, similar to another we talked about a while ago of a mother who used an electric mixer to lather while bathing her baby. She has been so criticized, especially for the risk of electrocution, that I imagine she will not have done it again.

There is no lack of criticism of the place where the baby has been put to sleep, since hammocks are not recommended to put the baby to sleep for too much time. As also happens in car seats if the baby acquires a position too flexed on itself ("C") makes it difficult to expand the chest and abdomen to breathe, and could cause posture or positional asphyxiation.