"You will not do bullying again": they hit him and leave his aggressor unconscious (while others record him)

The video only lasts 26 seconds, but in that short time many things happen, too many, that do nothing but worry (and much) with the future of this society. Something we are doing wrong if the cases of bullying happen while others are dedicated to observe or even record what is happening.

Many people will think to see it that ends "well", because hey, it seems that the attacker takes his deserved. But that doesn't make it less worrying: they hit him and leave his aggressor unconscious.

We only know what we see

I would love to be able to explain to you exactly what motivates the boy in the black shirt to do something like that, more than anything to have the data so that we can all say. But we do not know.

The video has been shared on the internet for a few days and the description is very short. It just says something like "the stalker was wrong as a victim."

And what do we see? Well, a group of at least three boys approaching another, to annoy him. One of them is the stalker and the other two have the mission of recording it: one of them we see with the mobile, the other is the one that records the video you see.

The assailant approaches the boy in the white shirt and tells him something. He is preparing to separate him from his group and stay like that in front of him, so that the other boys can record his "feat" well.

Once he stands before him, he punches him with a punch that might well have killed the boy on the ground, who knows if he is unconscious between the blow of his fist and that of the subsequent fall (what on earth was he thinking to do something like that? ).

However, not only does he not lose consciousness, but he does not even lose his balance, and react quickly catching it on the fly to throw it to the ground in a violent way, and then punch him back.

But it is unconscious.

But what happens to them?

We don't know how the story goes. We do not know if the stalker got up a few minutes later and is fine, or if he has been hospitalized for days with a cervical fracture and a head injury. In any case, it is clear that there are many things that are extracted from these 26 seconds that at least leave me ice cream (it will be that in just over a year one of my children will enter the institute).

What's wrong with the one in the black shirt? Is that really the way you have found to become the important and the popular? Do you have to resort to free violence, hitting others and humiliating them for fun?

What happens to those who record? I don't know about you, but in my time when there was a fight immediately we arrived the others to try to separate them. Of course, sometimes you took some for getting in the middle, which was not for you, but we were clear that we had to stop them. Some at least.

What do we do?

Whatever is. But we must act now. Decades ago we should have done this, in fact, because it is not new. The difference is that it is now recorded and broadcast. But hey, we should get better, and I have a feeling that we are not, that we are going to get worse.

Parents have to wake up when it comes to educating our children so that they respect and be enforced, we must try to make them feel loved, not for what we buy them, but for what they are: that they know they are loved, and not bribed. We have to have a relationship of trust and communication with them so that they can simply be happy for themselves, without needing to "get attention" so that others value them for their exploits, feats or abuse of others.

And from school work it to the fullest since they are very small without ever looking.

It is not easy, but we all have a responsibility to make the next generation better than ours. And honestly, sometimes I get the feeling that we are not going to achieve it.

Photos | Lance Neilson (CC)
In Babies and more | My son is too good: how to prevent him from being a victim of bullying, "Stop bullying begins with you": great campaign against bullying, It's already urgent: a 9-year-old boy commits suicide because he suffered bullying at school

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