100 macho phrases that women hear from girls (and hopefully our daughters don't hear them anymore)

We do not realize. We do not notice them. They are part of our daily lives, but have you stopped to think about the sexists that are some comments that we hear from women every day since we are little? Phrases that seem harmless, but that somehow encourage violence against women.

In this Short five minutes are collected 100 macho phrases that women hear throughout their lives since they are girls. It was made by Alicia Ródenas, a 17-year-old student, for a short contest that the Diego Siloé de Albacete institute organizes among its students.

The video, titled "Now or Never" is inspired by the text "What a beautiful girl!" that it went viral in 2015 written by Ro de la Torre, one of the founders of the feminist page 'Locas del Coño'. It contains all these phrases that accompany a woman from when she is small until she dies at the hands of her partner.

From comments that impose gender roles such as "don't be so raw playing, you look like a child" or "Computer science? Don't you prefer to dance? ”, Even phrases about how a girl should behave“ look how pretty, with your hair fixed, ”“ older girls don't cry, ”“ You have to be good. ” Many of these we hear often, they seem harmless, but they leave their mark on girls since childhood.

Then, as life progresses, it goes on to stronger phrases such as "so dressed you look like a prude", "so dressed you look like a whore", "if you didn't want me to look at you, so you wear that cleavage." And in the end, the comments refer to sexist violence as "don't leave me, or I'm crazy."

Both the idea of ​​bringing the text to video and the way it is interpreted are wonderful. Alicia has been going to theater classes for two years and tells in an interview in Verne that “from the beginning I had it very clear and I did it as I saw it. They gave me several videos in case they helped me, but I didn't want to see any. ”

Bravo for bringing to the younger generations a problem deeply rooted in our society. Hopefully it will contribute to comments like these not being so common.