Lochia in the puerperium: how long does bleeding last after delivery?

After delivery, bleeding occurs which is abundant in the first three days and although then decreases, it can extend several weeks. In obstetrics, this hemorrhage is known as postpartum lochia.

It's about a natural physiological process in which the body removes the remains of the uterine lining that have formed during pregnancy, as well as placental remains, cervical mucus and the secretions produced by healing the wound left by the placenta after expulsion.

Postpartum hardships

The expulsion of the lochia is favored by the postpartum contractions or hardships. The wrongs are intense and frequent contractions during the first 24 to 48 hours after giving birth, although they last about a week with less intensity. They are a normal process that helps return the uterus to its normal state, in addition to facilitating the sealing of the arterial mouths that remain open after giving birth.

In the first three days they are more abundant and red and are made up of blood and vernix caseosa. As the days go by, the lochia are less abundant and clear, with a higher content of cervical mucus, leukocytes, etc.

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The mother can shower calmly, but for baths it is preferable to wait to prevent possible infections.

For feminine hygiene it is better to use postpartum compresses at the beginning, and then they can be normal compresses. What is not advised is the use of tampons in these cases due to the possibility of infections.

Three phases of bleeding

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We can distinguish three phases in the secretion of lochia. In each of them the bleeding is different:

  • The first flow after childbirth, reddish in color due to the abundant presence of blood and usually does not last more than 3 to 5 days after delivery. It can flow continuously or at intervals and may contain clots, especially if the new mother has been lying down for a while.

  • In the second stage, the bleeding is less thick and changes to a brown, light brown or pink color. It contains a serous exudate of erythrocytes, leukocytes and cervical mucus. This stage continues approximately until the tenth day after delivery.

  • The last stage begins when the flow becomes whitish or light yellowish. It can last until the third or sixth week after delivery. It contains less red blood cells and is composed almost entirely of white blood cells, epithelial cells, cholesterol, fats and mucus.

How long is postpartum bleeding?

This bleeding with vaginal secretions lasts six to eight weeks after giving birth, during the puerperium and will gradually decrease.

We only have to worry and go to the doctor if there is a sudden increase in the lochia or a bad smell of these.

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Video: How long should postpartum bleeding last? (July 2024).