Women who take care of their children are also working mothers

The day March 8 the International Women's Day, which in past years was known as International Day of Working Women (there are still those who call it that). The motto for this year is very similar to that of 2016, and refers to the need to finally achieve equality at the level of jobs, as well as equality at the level of wages: “Women in a changing world of work : towards a planet 50-50 in 2030. ”

We speak, of course, of those women who work in a salaried way, and this leaves out all those women who for whatever reason - because they have decided so, because they are unemployed or for other reasons -, take care of their children, without Quote, without charge and without many people considering that they are adding in some way. That is why this claim: the women who take care of their children are also working mothers.

But ... if they are at home !!

I do not say that everyone thinks about it, but who has not lived it is possible to consider that staying at home to take care of children is almost like being on vacation, or similar: a little busier, but not much more.

The fact is that you are sure that there are many you can confirm that they are wrong, and that on vacation it has little: there are days that give the feeling that the only thing you do is continually pick up the house, there are days that it seems that all you do is give tit and there are days that late-night comes and you give yourself realize that you have not spoken to any adult person. At least, this is what my wife tells me when we talk about it.

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And is that Miriam, as I told you a year and a half ago, decided a good day that I would stop working to take care of Jon. He was finishing his leave, he had to go back to work, he felt that he could not do it, that he was not capable, we made many numbers, and we made the decision to try to see how we were doing.

As the mother who decided to take pictures of her day-to-day taking care of her children to prove how wrong those who told her she was doing nothing, it was not long before she started telling me that it was harder than it seemed.

Then, in addition, Aran came, and finally Guim, and she continued (continues) telling me that this being for the children and the house full time It is not easy: "I would like to be you", he tells me often (and be careful, that when I am at home I do not stop either). And, as he says, I see people, I talk to people, and when I go to work I break the monotony of being at home, shopping and children's taxi driver all day.

But salaried mothers also get very tired!

Of course. The last thing to do is a competition to see which one gets more tired, which one has more dark circles and which one has a harder and sacrificed day. Because it is not easy to know or determine. There are women who have a salaried job that actually ends up working twice: away from home and then at home, and there are women who take care of their children who take it better because their children do not go out of school or stay in the dining room.

Likewise, there are women who, when working outside the home, ensure that when they disconnect, they carry it better, and others who are at home and wish they could go to work. As a mother we talked about a few months ago, who confessed that if she could go back, she wouldn't: he would never stay home to take care of his children.

How hard it is to find a job

Now Miriam, and many other women who decided to devote time and energy to being full-time mothers, face a reality that hurts: if it is already difficult for any woman mother to find work, for one who has not worked for years, it is still plus. "What do I put in the curriculum? Where have I been in recent years? Won't you ask me why I don't have enough experience for my age? What have I quoted? "

And it is that a woman who is dedicated only to take care of her children not only does not receive any salary (although if she did, it should be quite high), but also does not contribute to social security, nor has the right to collect He stopped while leaving his "full time job" to find another job.

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Where do I want to arrive?

Well, at that point in the title of the post in which it is concluded that women who care for their children they should also be considered socially working mothers. I do not talk about collecting money, I do not even talk about quoting (although it would be the minimum, that at least it appeared reflected that they have been "working" and that they have a certain experience of a few years taking care of children, for example), I speak above all that society begins to value what those who stay at home do to take care of their children.

The care has been relegated to a job that few people want to do: older people are often cared for by people with little or no qualifications (I speak of caregivers hired in a particular way), children, it depends ... In nursery schools we talk about educators, they are no longer considered caregivers (and in fact they do not like to be called that because, as I say, "caring" is a verb that does not give social value, as if anyone could do it: the kangaroo, the au pair...) And yet, caring is a verb that can be loaded with love, affection, dedication, sleep, tiredness, patience and sacrifice.

Yes, also sacrifice. Because caring for a mother is surrender to your son or daughter. And that so few people value, has great social value. A value that is at least comparable to that of a person who takes care of other children by charging a salary. Value for the son and value for the mother. A son who is accompanied in his growth and development by the person who loves you most and who loves you most, and a woman who discovers, if she feels it and wants it, that being a mother can be as or more rewarding than anything else.

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