Eight common problems in breastfeeding and how to solve them

There is no better food for a baby than breast milk. However, sometimes the establishment of breastfeeding is not easily or immediately achieved. Above all, if you are a first-time mom. But don't be discouraged. Although problems arise, the key to solving almost all the inconveniences is to have the necessary information to know the causes and how to act in each case.

We tell you what are the most frequent problems with those found by mothers at the beginning of breastfeeding and how to solve them.

A bad nipple grip

Is the main cause of almost all inconveniences that arise during the establishment of breastfeeding. If the baby does not suck the breast correctly, the problems derived may be cracks in the nipples, mastitis or inflammation of the breast, shortage of breast milk flow, etc.

The bad grip of the nipple is the main cause of almost all the inconveniences

When the baby takes with his lips only the nipple can cause pain and not feed properly.

To fix it, make a clamp with your index and middle fingers to take the nipple and gently insert the baby in the mouth making sure the newborn catches correctly both the nipple and part of the halo. Avoid giving the bottle and pacifiers in this first stage, as they can confuse you and cause the baby to stop breastfeeding.

Pay attention to the baby placement, maybe it's awkward. Carefully rest your head on the inside of your elbow and form a nest around it with your arm. A breastfeeding pillow can help you achieve the most appropriate posture for both.

Too much or too little milk during breastfeeding

Sometimes moms produce an excessive amount of milk during the first months after birth due to hormones. It is necessary to allow time for the rhythms of the shots and the needs of the baby to regulate the mother's milk production.

Breastfeeding experts, such as those in La Liga de la Leche, recommend in these cases to offer the baby only one breast per shot. In this way, milk production is not stimulated as much as if the production of both breasts is activated in each dose.

The most frequent doubts during breastfeeding are related to the amount of milk produced

But sometimes the opposite happens: it seems that the mother does not have enough milk and her baby does not get the necessary amount of nutrients. The question that most commonly assaults nursing mothers at some point in breastfeeding is precisely if they produce the right amount of milk for their baby. In reality, breast milk deficiency occurs only rarely.

Most women believe they have very little milk, although They produce the right proportion. The first thing that should be done in this case is to exclude a false alarm. If you breastfeed on demand, the baby wets the diaper with the frequency due to his age and his weight increases regularly and properly, there is no problem.

If you put the baby to the breast every time he asks for it, milk production will be stimulated naturally. Take your time and respect its rhythm. Breastfeeding should be a calm and relaxed experience. You can also use a breast pump between take and take to stimulate increased breast milk production.

Chest rejection

Some babies reject the breast shortly after starting breastfeeding. It is probably due to a bad experience regarding the posture or nipple grip. At other times, the cause is that the baby has tried the bottle, which may have been much more comfortable since it does not need to strain to get the nutrients. It may also be due to a perfume, lotion or cream with a strong odor or unpleasant taste.

Chest rejection can be a bad experience

To fix it, do not treat your breast with cosmetics or use perfumes and keep insisting on offering the baby's breast. Do not use a bottle and also avoid pacifiers. To stimulate the child's sucking reflex, the best thing is arm yourself with patience, put the baby to the breast for as long as it takes and just give this.

Breast Decompensation

Many breastfeeding moms happen to produce much more breast milk in one of the breasts. This decompensation is usually due to not leaving the baby long enough to empty both breasts equally.

When we "force the baby" to drink from both breasts in one shot, it will almost certainly take less than the second breast than the first. Most babies drink 10 to 20 minutes from the first breast, while the other breast drinks only a mixture of water and milk saturation.

Make sure that you empty one breast before offering the other and start taking it through the breast of the one that sucked less time

Therefore it is better that you do not interrupt the suction to change your chest. Let him all the time you need to empty the first of the breasts and only offer the second if you claim it.

You should always make sure that in the next one the baby takes it starts with the chest where he entertained less time, so that both breasts are stimulated equally for the production of breast milk.

Pain or cracks in the nipples

The most common causes of nipple pain are the bad placement of the baby to the chest or bad suction by the baby To end the problem, try the different positions to breastfeed until you find the one in which you both feel equally comfortable.

If you apply warm cloths on the breast before breastfeeding, you will also facilitate the milk's exit and the painful area of ​​the breast will not suffer so much with the baby's sucking work. If you have doubts, you can always turn to a midwife to advise you.

The bad placement of the baby or a bad grip are the most frequent causes

It is important that you take care of and protect the skin of the painful area from friction and unnecessary friction that can quickly cause cracks in the skin.

The teat cups can help that breastfeeding is not interrupted right now, as they protect the nipples from the baby's sucking force.

It is also advisable to spread a few drops of the same breast milk on the nipples after each shot or use specific creams to soften the tissue and prevent them from cracking further.

Mastitis or inflammation of the breast

Congestion without proper treatment can lead to Sinus infection or a mastitis. Hot breast milk is an ideal breeding ground for germs. Mastitis that has not had previous symptoms of congestion may be due to wounds on the skin of the nipples that have not been properly treated.

Breastfeeding maintenance is the fastest solution against mastitis

For reduce the risk of infectious mastitisIt is especially important to wash your hands well before handling your nipples and pay special attention to any symptoms of redness, redness, pain, fever or obstruction.

It is also important to often change the position of breastfeeding and not interrupt breastfeeding, because although it may cause discomfort in the affected breast, in reality Baby sucking is the fastest and most effective solution against the problem. If after several days the situation does not improve, we must visit the midwife or the gynecologist.

Obstruction of breast milk

If the milk cannot come out properly, it can lead to chest congestion and may appear nodes and redness. One possible cause is that the baby does not suck almost from one breast or does not empty it completely. Another reason could be due to the use of a bra that is too tight.

Acting correctly at the first sign is essential

The most important is act correctly at the first indication of obstruction. This will prevent the problem from causing a greater evil, such as a mastitis or infection.

Other measures that may be equally effective include trying to put more time for the baby in the chest where you have trouble trying to stimulate it.

It is also advisable to try to stimulate the flow of milk with compresses or hot water. And if none of these measures is enough, a gentle chest massage can be of great help.

Bad posture

It is another problem shared by a greater number of nursing mothers. Seizure, back pain, cervical or abdominal pain due to an awkward or forced posture during breastfeeding

The right posture to breastfeed the baby is achieved by sitting with a straight back and without slouching the neck. Breastfeeding pillows are also useful for unloading part of the baby's weight on them and ensuring the correct posture for both. For example, the Chicco Boppy Breastfeeding Pillow facilitates breastfeeding and makes the experience much more comfortable for mom and baby. Thanks to its specific filling and its "Miracle Middle Insert" shape, it reduces muscle tension in the mother's arms, back and neck.

The breastfeeding pillow favors the correct posture

It also allows the baby to suck comfortably by providing adequate support and helping to maintain a natural position during breastfeeding.

In addition Boppy is a very versatile complement since it follows the psycho-motor development of the baby and accompanies it in its growth, being able to be used by both mom and toddler since three months.

Problems or complications during breastfeeding are a fairly common inconvenience and should not discourage you. They have a solution and most of the time it is simpler than we think. In case of doubt, you can always go to a group of midwives skilled in breastfeeding to advise you on the best way to eradicate them.

There are babies who are perfectly hooked to the chest from the first moment and others that cost a little more. But all of them are born with a great instinct for suction. Be patient and be optimistic. With constancy and these tips, surely you and your baby are able to overcome any obstacle that gets in your way.

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Images | iStock / Evgenyatamanenko / Artranq / Tharakorn.

Video: Common Breast Complications during Lactation (July 2024).