The cold arrives: watch these dangers at home for the little ones

It seems that after a longer summer than normal we felt like cold. And with the cold, not only do children catch a cold more, there are other risks to consider. Today we talk about the dangers for children at home when the cold comes.

One of the most obvious risks at this time of year and that from time to time gives us tragic news is that of heating systems. The braziers, electric radiators, stoves or fireplaces pose a risk of burning, so they must always be out of the reach of children and monitored, maintaining their proper functioning.

Of course, we must not stick the baby's bed or cradle to the radiator or any source of heat. Gas stoves or fireplaces and sheets, cushions, covers, stuffed animals ... are not good companions.

Also at bath time we must be aware, since the thermostat rises in temperature and if we don't check the water before putting the baby or child, it could burn. Attention also to the taps burning. It is advisable to temper the bathroom before starting it, to prevent the child from cooling before, during or after putting it in the bathtub. Here we remind you the tips for the baby's bath when it's cold.

Remember that before an accident in these cases, we can apply first aid against burns (care for which we are not always prepared: do not hesitate, take it to the medical center if the child is not well and consider that his burns are important ).

In winter we also open the windows, it is important to keep the house ventilated and minimize the risk of infection or contagion when the viruses are around, of allergies ... Remember to keep them well closed after opening them, because this neglect is always dangerous.

Eye to excessive shelter at night in the case of babies. One of the recommendations to prevent sudden infant death syndrome is to ensure that the baby is not too hot, keeping the room in which we sleep (cohabitation is recommended, that is, sleep in the same room as the parents) at a soft and comfortable temperature.

In addition, you need to use bedding adjusted to the mattress and that there are no sheets, blankets or bedspreads left, as it increases the risk of the baby being trapped, suffocating or strangulation.

These are some Child safety tips for houses when it is cold. At any time of the year we must have common sense and also be forecasters to avoid these dangers that reach homes with lower temperatures.

Video: Toddler Calls 911, But When The Cops Arrive They Can't Believe What They See (May 2024).