Men will have a changing table in the bathrooms thanks to a new law in the US

If you are a sure man on more than one occasion you have seen the unfortunate situation of not being able to change your baby in the men's bathroom. The three go to a public restroom, mom, dad and baby, and when you arrive you have to choose between staying the baby or taking her.

You see that on its side there is an obvious tail, you see that in yours the thing goes lighter and you say: "I already stay with the baby and so while she finishes, I am doing", and when entering the bathroom you realize that unless the baby is already a little older and you can change her foot, you have to take her because otherwise, impossible.

Well, in the US they wanted to take a step in this direction and thanks to a new law they have called "Bathrooms Accessible in Every Situation Act", which they have summed up in "Babies Act", men's bathrooms in public buildings must also have baby changing tables.

A measure that has been talked about since April

As we read in The Huffington Post, in April, Republican David Cicilline introduced the bill for the first time, which received support from Congress.

Under the premise that the government had to do more to ensure that public buildings were useful for families, it was argued that neither mothers nor fathers should worry about finding a hygienic place in which to change their children, and with more reason if they were in a federal building, created from taxpayers' money.

The new law establishes that children of three years or less must be able to be changed at a table or suitable device to make such change; a place that is physically safe, hygienic and appropriate.

When a law comes thanks to the campaigns of celebrities

Last year we echoed the struggle of actor Ashton Kutcher in the search for a male bathroom that had a changing table. In his attempt to achieve it, he created a signature collection campaign and achieved more than one hundred thousand.

A month later, New York State Senator Brad Hoylman created a bill that promoted the installation of changing tables in men's bathrooms both in public buildings and in other public places. This could eliminate the one that considered an "anachronism that reflects the bias towards women as sole caregivers." And nowadays both a woman and a man with a baby can go together, as can two men with their baby, or simply a father who is alone with his son or daughter.

So since it makes no sense for governments to make policies of equality and awareness campaigns for the population so that the baby is cared for by the father and mother, and then put changers only in the bathroom of women, this measure will contribute a bit of coherence at the public level, or that it is with a detail that seems insignificant, but that in the day to day is important.

Video: Changing tables headed to the men's room in New York (July 2024).