Pay for quitting smoking in pregnancy, will it be effective?

It could be thought that they are a minority, but it is estimated that 80% of smokers do not leave tobacco during pregnancy, so that the health of many babies is put at risk every day worldwide. That is why they apply differently strategies to help women quit smoking in pregnancy and this considering that many do not accept having this problem.

The economic incentive is one of those we are hearing about lately. And is that pay the woman for quitting smoking in pregnancy It can be an effective measure, even if we raise certain doubts and some surprise to understand that there are people who would quit smoking, not for the health of their baby, but for money.

The fact is that in Australia a study has been launched that aims to determine the effectiveness of the economic incentive in these cases, hoping to reduce the number of pregnant women who smoke. Specifically, it is carried out in Tasmania, which has the second highest numbers of pregnant smokers in the country.

On the island it is estimated that they smoke one in six pregnant women and the numbers increase to one in three in the case of women under 25 years. We can ask ourselves if it is an irresponsibility or a need, and (I hope in the least cases) if there is a lack of knowledge on the part of these women or if some do not follow up on their pregnancy.

The point is that the objective of the researchers is offer alternatives to women who want to quit during pregnancy, and reduce their number. That is, they trust the effectiveness of this measure, although the results have not been obtained (we will be attentive) since they are in the initial phase of the study, selecting the participants.

Once started, women who show that they quit smoking each month after taking a test will be given a gift voucher worth 50 Australian dollars (about 33 euros that exceed the amount that is being offered in Paris for these cases).

As at the moment these types of measures do not apply in our environment, if you are a smoker and you want to have a baby or if you are already pregnant and want to quit smoking, we remind you that there are many reasons to do so, starting with the health of your baby and your own.

Our family and friends have to be partakers of our decision and support us. We have to create our own smoking cessation plan, eliminating everything that reminds us of habit, practicing exercise on a regular basis, staying active and entertained, resorting to healthy snacks if anxiety to eat increases ...

Hopefully it is certainly effective. pay for quitting smoking in pregnancy, but we also hope that other educational measures will be implemented in society in general and informative measures for women who want to have a baby and for their environment, which is important when giving up the habit. Or will we see these widespread economic incentives to prevent smoking in pregnancy?

Video: Pregnancy FAQs : How to Quit Smoking Cold Turkey While Pregnant (July 2024).