The sincere and crude response of a woman who was told that her caesarean section was "the easy way"

As I have said on other occasions, the three deliveries of my three children were very different. The first was by caesarean section after seeing that the baby suffered bradycardia with each contraction, the second was vaginal, premature, after several days with contractions, and the third was vaginal and lasted only two hours.

Of the three, the third was the easiest, of course, but in all of us we went to the hospital with the same desire that everything went well, and that hidden feeling of preparation in case something went a little wrong. Three different births that didn't make Miriam more mother, or better mother, or worse mother, or anything like that, because mother is, in the end, every woman who loves and takes care of her children.

Probably for that Raye lee got very angry when after giving birth by caesarean section someone He reproached him for choosing "the easy way" Of having a baby. Your response has gone viral and is worth sharing.

A long and dramatic post

So, as he titled it a few days ago, as a warning that what we were going to read was long and dramatic. The story of your caesarean section after someone told you this:

Oh, a cesarean? So, in reality, you have not given birth. It must have been nice for you to take the easiest way to do it.

With sarcasm, irony, and a logical and remarkable anger, he explained that yes, that of course he had taken the path that he considered best suited after a 38-hour labor before the baby began to show signs of suffering and his heart practically stopped with each contraction.

Because the fact that at first they told him that he was doing a great job dilating and that he was not going to need a C-section, and then suddenly they told him that they were going to prepare him for major abdominal surgery it was not a shock to her at all (imagine how convulsed it is that they convince you that everything is going perfect and you will not need a C-section and suddenly they will tell you that everything will end, not only as you did not expect, but also as they did not expect).

Besides, that had nothing to do with the fact that there was no nothing she could do to save her baby's life (That moment when you lose control of childbirth and it is no longer up to you, but to other people who have to do everything possible so that the baby is born well and the mother has no problems), not to mention that it is about a surgery whose recovery is super fast and simple (We all know that this is not usually the case).

But no, so far it was sarcasm

Rayan followed his comment leaving sarcasm behind to explain that it had been the most painful moment of his life. That now he is part of those women who with a scar show that they cut them to take out their baby and have lived to tell it, because death is one of the risks of such surgery.

Then he related the moment, how he lived it, how he remembers it:

Having a baby removed from an incision that is only 12 cm long, but is stretched, torn and open until everything breaks to pass through your layers of fat, muscle and organs is a completely different experience from what I had imagined that it would be the birth of my children.

It was not pleasant at that time for her, nor now that it has been a while she feels that way. Because, as he says, the central muscles of the abdomen are used for almost everything:

Do not even sit down, imagine not being able to use them because a doctor has torn them apart and destroyed them and there is no possibility of repairing them in at least six weeks, because your body has to do it naturally.

And he can't understand how someone can call something "easy way" that can leave you so incapable just when you most need to be available:

When the first nurse asks you to try to get out of bed and the pain of your body cut into pieces and sewn again through you, you will understand the irony of someone talking about it referring to the "easy way."

Finally he explained how strong you have decided to feel in the wake of this experience, to ignore criticism, opinions that seek nothing but harm, so that they can devote themselves to what is really important:

I am the strongest woman, of the ones I know. Not only for myself, but especially for my precious son ... I will put my effort to go forward and go over all this to be able, every day, to see his smiley face.

Video: Incision Care Discharge Instructions (May 2024).