The photo that is shocking the world: that of a 5-year-old Syrian boy after an aerial bombardment

Thanks to the cameras, mobile phones and the internet, we can find out from the west all the barbarism that is happening in Syria and see how our governments are still waiting for everything to continue developing in the same way. Governments complicit in the manufacture of many of the weapons with which in those countries people kill and die.

There will come a time when our children and our grandchildren will study this in the history books and ask us what happened, why nobody stopped it, why 5 year olds like the one in the photo They were injured or killed with the rest of the world as spectators. What are we doing?

The photo that is shocking the world

Is called Omran DaqneeshHe is 5 years old and is one of five children who have been injured in an air raid in Qaterji, a neighborhood in Aleppo. A doctor in the area took a picture of the boy, who was waiting patiently in an ambulance, dirty and injured, to be cured, for a damage he will hardly understand.

That photo was sent to Telegraph correspondent Raf Sánchez, who shared it on his Twitter account, and we have seen it on BoredPanda.

The media are echoing the image because it says more than all the words we can write: a five-year-old boy, alone, in an ambulance seat, after being rescued from the rubble, thinking to know what of the bad people, and wondering where are the good people that are supposed to end the bad people, like in movies and stories.

The video is even more bleak ... sure that all those who are parents feel the need to hug him, and it is that as our Magnet classmates say: the life of a child is priceless. The pity is that this is not felt those who can really stop this inhuman war:

Video: Syrian boy reminds us of another horrific image (July 2024).